Keeley Allen

A quick #Introduction

I’m Keeley Allen and I’m a #fieldepidemiology trainee in Australia through the #MAE program. I love communicable disease #epidemiology and #surveillance, and particularly interested in #STI and #BBV conditions and #arboviruses. I’m interested in all things #PublicHealth and #SpatialScience and #maps.

Keen to be part of the #EpiVerse!


I've just moved here from to be with my spatial peeps, so another #introduction is in order.

I'm a #fullstack #remotesensing #scientist working across #optical #sar and #lidar domains. With a background in #rangeland and #savanna #ecology, I build biophysical models using empirical and #machinelearning methods to get information back to the government, NGOs and the public.

Now getting more interested in applying #spatialscience to #systemsthinking for tackling #wickedproblems.