These are public posts tagged with #thankunext. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Ariana Grande - break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored (Official Video)
Ariana Grande - thank u, next (Official Video)
Goodness #1Password makes it so easy to break-up with #LastPass. Looking forward to no longer worrying if my password manager has forgotten to mention they've been breached #thankUNext
Tesla’s Berlin Hub Can’t Hire Enough People, or Keep Them - The company’s staffing problems have been magnified in Germany, where it is unable to mee... - #business/techculture #thankunext #business
The company’s staffing problems have been magnified…
www.wired.comRT #LogOffNerd #thankunext #BOFA #SeattleSnowpocalypse #ACAB #BLEXIT #BreakAHeartIn3Words #HAgottem #GRAMMYs #GreenNewDeal #LoveWhatsReal
RT The link has been there the whole time whilst you were GÁGNON DEZ NUTZ FUCKBOI
#LOGOFF #GreenNewDeal #MedicareForAll #thankunext #OneDayAtATime