Sarah Arnold

Can someone tell me what's the deal with some red peppers which, once they've been open for a few days in the fridge, start to smell like an E. coli agar plate?

And why am I excessively bothered by this but many other people don't notice (or don't care)?

It's just red peppers. Not yellow/orange. Not green. Any only some, not all. (1/3)

#BellPeppers #SweetPeppers #Volatiles #Microbiology

IPGP Planetary Science

After a long wait, the "New Views of the Moon 2" book is finally published 🎉

This volume reviews the current state of lunar science in 19 chapters. Topics include the formation of the #Moon, #differentiation, #ImpactCratering, #volcanism, #tectonics, #dynamos, #magnetism, #volatiles, #SpaceWeathering, and the lunar #exosphere.

Check out the entire volume online:

Abish Stephen

Great to be at the #ICOM2 today, great talk by Prof. Thomas Hummel on olfaction now.

Looking forward to presenting my work tomorrow and chairing a session on Volatilomics!

#breathresearch #volatiles

Eric R. Scott

🎉 Just got notice that we got funding from the R Consortium to work on a really interesting project! `volcalc` is an R package for calculating estimated volatility of chemicals. Currently only works for compounds in the KEGG database, but we're going to re-factor so it works on any SMILES, InChI, or .mol file representation. I'm super excited to work on this!

#chemoinformatics #chemistry #VOCs #volatiles #rstats