
@fabrice @valentin @dale

Your point of view is techno-elitism.

And yet here you are stannig for Google.

No, the form that some techniques take should be recognized as hazardous. And new standards must reflect that reality, or criminality on the Internet will keep escalating.

You can say that's "elitist" when things are evaluated thoughtfully, as if logic can't matter wrt logic machines. Right, we just have to keep trying all the things the most insanely greedy people dream up as if its outcome is all due to art and accident of history. I'd say your attitude is exactly the reason our tech since the 90s has been trashy. It is always time to play and romp with the SV VCs and see what fruit our new toys can shake from the trees even when we notice the branches are now falling off. This is the appeal of a very comfortable class who don't see themselves bleeding from the institutionalized negligence.

If you want to run with knives, do it on the fringes.

OTOH, there really is no "Web" anymore if its gate-kept by de-facto features like WebUSB, with the added insult that even our non-networked devices must now be managed directly by centralized services (and the use cases are all problem-looking-for-a-solution crapola... oh noes, little Pixel phone can't do backups without the mother ship directing the process). #webusb is yet another reason for de-googling.

Blort™ 🐀🥋☣️

@joao @martijnbraam @justinkd

Well, yeah. I'm a staunch FIrefox user and avoid Chrome / Chromium wherever I can. That said, I'm not going to suggest that Mozilla having not implemented WebUSB yet, means that Mobile Linux users shouldn't have access to a fast, easy way to try recent advancements because they'd need to use Chromium for a few minutes. That seems like "baby with the bathwater" behavior to me. 🤷

#Firefox #Chrome #Chromium #WebUSB #MobileLinux


Engineering browsers to make the personal devices they run on transparent to remote servers (or #cloud) strikes me as being an oligarch's tool for centralization. These are emerging de-facto standards because real standards bodies like #W3C won't touch them.

The screenshot below is from a #Google "relations" propagandist working their magic here on fedi.

#decentralization #cloud #oligarchy #chrome #webusb #webserial #firefox #mozilla

Thomas Steiner :chrome:

Gave my desk a #NeoPixels makeover based on some leftovers I had (the black holes are from soldering strips together). Really digging the soothing moving gradient. It's powered by an old BBC #microbit that connects to MakeCode over #WebUSB. #ProjectFugu 🐡 FTW!

Jelle Haandrikman

@mcc @trevorflowers It all sounds a bit silly. I just want to program my keyboard (ZSA Moonlander) and develop some simple Hardware hacking festival badges.
flow3r.garden/flasher/ #flow3r #firefox #WebUSB



She loved this LED strip - it was part of the prop from my #WebDirections talk about #WebUSB. 😅


Just discovered github.com/WICG/web-smart-card for teaching #browsers #SmartCard #PCSC instead of ... running pcsc-lite in #WebAssembly/#PNaCl over #WebUSB (for #ChromeOS) or exposing the #pcscd socket (e.g., Linux). Notably the #AusweisApp2 is mentioned as one use case!

I hope this gains similar traction as #FIDO2/#WebAuthn/#U2F/#CTAP support in browsers, especially with the recent push for #Passkeys, as smart cards are very widely deployed in orgs and slimming down the stack would definitely be a win here.

GitHub - WICG/web-smart-card: Repository for the Web Smart Card Explainer

Repository for the Web Smart Card Explainer. Contribute…

Preston Maness ☭

The #Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge that I've been using to #DoorDash on, tethered to my #Google #Pixel 5a that's running #GrapheneOS, has started randomly hard-freezing, becoming completely unresponsive until it auto-reboots (or sometimes, doesn't reboot at all and I have to force reboot it). Needless to say, that's not conducive to actually DoorDashing well.

I don't have the money to buy a newer just-for-work device. And so, it is with sadness, that I have re-flashed the stock Android 13 OS onto my Pixel (DoorDash doesn't work in GrapheneOS). Thanks to #SyncThing, I was at least able to sync some app configs over to my host machine along with photos and such, which has made re-settling into the Pixel with stock android a bit less painful.

Getting #WebUSB to work inside Google's Android Flash Tool (flash.android.com) was a royal pain in the ass. I had to have recent Google Chrome on my host machine, I had to tweak udev rules (WebUSB picked up the phone's normal mode, but got access denied for the fastboot mode) and not only restart udevd but also reload the config with udevadm, the Android Flash Tool just died a couple times when downloading the 2.25 GiB of ROM, I had to use GrapheneOS's website to remove a custom signing key, but ultimately, the Android Flash Tool at flash.android.com *did* work. It's at least a marginally better experience than the old way of "download adb, fastboot, etc etc, run all these commands, etc etc."

After Google's initial set-up wherein I had to CONSTANTLY say "no thank you I don't want your tracking," I then immediately downloaded f-droid, then SyncThing, but ran into a conundrum wherein I needed to install android-file-transfer on my host machine to move SyncThing's config files back from the host to the newly flashed pixel. After that, I was able to use syncthing to start transferring everything else over (being careful to temporarily change "send only" folders on the phone to "receive only" first to get the data from the cluster, then "send and receive," and then finally back to "send only," so I didn't clobber my photos on the syncthing cluster).

Jeff Rizzo

Anyone familiar with Chrome's #webusb implementation on MacOS? reset() doesn't seem to actually send a reset, unlike #Chrome on Linux...


Our web installer (grapheneos.org/install/web) now requires far less memory to install GrapheneOS.

It didn't used to be much of an issue, but the required memory has grown substantially with new major releases of the Android Open Source Project and for installing on newer devices.

#grapheneos #privacy #security #webusb #javascript

GrapheneOS web installer

Web-based installer for GrapheneOS, a security and…


There's a GNOME bug causing compatibility issues with installing GrapheneOS or another OS on smartphones.

GVFS wrongly identifies a device in fastboot/fastbootd mode as an MTP device and claims exclusive control over it. CLI install is less impacted since it's faster than GVFS.

#grapheneos #webusb #GNOME