katch wreck

`Since Fibrobacter succinogenes is an efficient saccharifier of cellulose, it has a potential to be used in the biological degradation of cellulose for biofuel production`


#cellulose #biofuel

Fibrobacter succinogenes - Wikipedia


This month's interesting facts about glycans - we take a look at "bacterial cellulose"! Yes you heard that correct! Cellulose is found all around us in the form of clothing, wood, paper products and is usually sourced from plants. But bacteria also produce a form of it.

Read more about it at: research.bidmc.org/ncfg/blog/f

For more interesting facts check out: research.bidmc.org/ncfg/intere

#cellulose #glycotime #bacteria

Greg Saunier

Super interesting and promising results on increasing tensing strength and modulus of PLA with cellulose. It is not only a biodegradable filler but also there are no risk of being potentially carcinogenic like carbon fibers. Looking forward to test such filament!

➡️ hackaday.com/2024/09/09/reinfo

#3dprinting #filament #pla #cellulose

Reinforcing Plastic Polymers With Cellulose And Other Natural Fibers

While plastics are very useful on their own, they can…

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

Researchers discover new route to recyclable polymers from plants

Researchers at Hokkaido University have taken a significant step forward in the drive to make recyclable yet stable plastics from plant materials.


#Polymer #Plants #Recycling #HokkaidoUniversity #Cellulose

Researchers discover new route to recyclable polymers from plants

Researchers at Hokkaido University have taken a significant…

Frank Aylward

Cool paper looking at biomass degradation in leaf cutter ant fungus gardens:

Mapping microhabitats of lignocellulose decomposition by a microbial consortium


#microbiology #fungi #cellulose

Mark Frank

What is one phrase in your field of study that appears in nearly every paper introduction? For cellulose biosynthesis, I would have to say it's this:

"Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth."

#CellWall #Science #cellulose