Jonathan Schofield

This year, @ed_hawkins has added a new darker red to his #climateStripes palette. I’ve had such stripes in my profile pic for a few years now.

I’ll keep going on about climate – sorry not sorry – but I’ve grown a little weary of that implying it’s the only thing I care about, so for now you’ll be stuck with a picture of me from about 10 years ago. But I’m more withered now – older not wiser

Jan 20, 2025, 12:58 · · · 1 · 0

you remember these #climatestripes, someone has done the same thing for biodiversity & the worlds freshwater and that sums up our entire situation pretty comprehensively.


Olga Lovick (she/her)

Saskatoon isn't available, so I'm pretending to be in Edmonton. Getting pretty warm...
#showyourstripes #ClimateStripes #Climatechange

Javier Armentia

Hoy estamos de escuela sostenible, una jornada en el @pamplonetario con muchos proyectos en centros educativos que comprenden su papel transformador en esta crisis ecosocial. Además estrenamos así nuestro friso con #climatestripes

Dr Micha Campbell

Trying to make your family members care about climate change? Nasa's Climate Legacies generator is here for you!

Here is mine - my grandad, my mum, myself, and my nephew, all growing up and living in different worlds.

Great adaptation of #ClimateStripes and that signature #IPCC6 figure!

#NASA #ClimateLegacy #ClimateChange


need new colour as world warms

by Daisy Stephens
5 January 2024

"Global temperatures were so hot in 2023 that the latest climate stripes image needs a new colour to show it, its creator has said.

"The stripes show the change in average annual global temperatures since 1850, with red indicating hotter years and blue cooler ones against the average of the period 1971-2000.

"Prof Ed Hawkins, from the University of Reading, has published the first updated image for the globe using the latest interim data for 2023 and said the darkest red from the current scale will not tell the full story.

"'2023 was off the end of the scale,' he said."

Read more:

#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #ExtremeHeat #ClimateCrisis

Reading University's climate stripes need new colour

A climate scientist says the darkest red from the scale…
Scientists for Future 🇩🇪

@Luap314 @AWIs4Future Gerade diese Plakate aus Lkw-Planen drucken wir aus Nachhaltigkeitsgründen nicht jedes Jahr neu. Aber gerade digital werden die #ClimateStripes natürlich entsprechend der neuen Temperatur-Durchschnittswerte geupdated.


Falls jemand noch etwas für den #Klimastreik von #FFF und weiteren am Freitag (15.09) braucht: Ich habe da mal etwas erstellt aus #ClimateStripes und dem QR-Code zur #Petition im Bundestag gegen die Abschaffung der #Sektorziele. (

Es gibt 2 Varianten. Macht damit gerne, was ihr wollt.

Mein Plakat ist der QR-Code in DIN A2 mit etwas Überschrift usw.. Beim Größenwettbewerb bin ich damit, glaube ich, ganz gut dabei.

#Klimaschutz #Klimakatastrophe #QRCode

Steven Pestana

With recent news about the hottest day ever recorded on our planet, I decided to update my #WarmingStripes #ClimateStripes plot for #Seattle with data since I first made it two years ago. This uses the #ulmo #python library, reading data from #NASA #DayMet. Make your own warming stripes plot for your favorite spot with this #jupyter notebook: #DataViz #climate #visualisation #climateChange #visualization

Anne Fuller (Sʼaachtlʼéiḵ)

Thanks to toots here @AlaskaWx I recognized this idea image from University Of Reading / Reuters Projection on the white cliffs of Dover. U.K.'s "warming stripes" representing average temperature from 1884 to 2022 The shades of blue are colder years and red hotter #ClimateChange #Climate #ClimateStripes

Carlos Moffat

A colleague brought a brilliant, giant version of @ed_hawkins’s #climatestripes to our GRC Coastal Dynamics meeting.

Mike Meredith gracefully agreed to pose for scale.

Lucy B

It's the summer solstice and #ShowYourStripes day. Here are the #ClimateStripes showing how things are heating up where I live, in Manchester, UK.

Help raise awareness and share your own stripes using Created by the brilliant @ed_hawkins