Global News

Grass fire burning west of Calgary forces traffic to be diverted
Firefighters from the Cochrane area scrambled to fight a rapidly spreading grass fire after it broke out just west of the Calgary-area city on Tuesday afternoon.
#fire #traffic #accident #Calgary #Cochrane #Albertawidfires

Jeanne de Brigue 🧶🎶🪥💀

🍿Britain's Black Legacy (1991)
From the 1958 Notting Hill riots and the murder of Kelso #Cochrane through to the murder of Rolan Adams in Greenwich in 1991, black communities have fought in the streets and in the courts for the basic human right to live without fear of racial attacks.
#uk #blackmastodon #blackhistorymonth
With LKJ inside

Feb 23, 2025, 17:37 · · · 1 · 0
Global News

Kaleb’s Radiothon Story
Last November, Jade’s son, Kaleb, was diagnosed with pneumonia and started on antibiotics. When he wasn’t getting any better and was in fact becoming more lethargic, Jade thought that it might be time to take him into urgent care in their hometown of Cochrane. However, when he woke up the next morning with sores in...
#health #illness #hospital #Cochrane #Promo #yycradiothon2025

David Tuller

My Article on the Cochrane Mess in The Sick Times

By David Tuller, DrPH

In November, 2023, journalists Betsy Ladyzhets and Miles Griffis launched The Sick Times, a publication whose tagline is “chronicling the Long Covid crisis.” Since then, the publication has diligently tracked the political and medical developments of this post-pandemic pandemic and has become a go-to source for intelligent reporting on the situation.

I have previously posted interviews with Ladyzhets and Griffis about their plans, once shortly after they launched and most recently last month. Today, The Sick Times published a story of mine—the first I’ve written for them. The article concerns the current public relations crisis that Cochrane, a major U.K. charity, has recently created for itself. In December, the organization announced that it was abandoning a commitment to update a flawed 2019 review of exercise therapy for the illness it called chronic fatigue syndrome. Below, I have posted the top part of the story below. You can read the rest here.


“Really pissed off”: Cochrane receives backlash from advocates and experts after abandoning ME/CFS review

For decades, Cochrane — formerly called the Cochrane Collaboration — has been known internationally for its systematic reviews of medical treatments and interventions. Now the U.K.-based charity is under fire for its clumsy handling of a thorny issue: the status of a flawed 2019 review of exercise therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

In recommending exercise as a treatment, the 2019 review angered many people with ME/CFS, who routinely experience relapses after excess activity — a phenomenon known as post-exertional malaise (PEM). (This story uses “ME/CFS” because those involved in the update have used the term and because it is currently the most commonly used term for what is believed to be a cluster of related illnesses.) 

In December, Cochrane blindsided people with ME/CFS — as well as those with Long COVID, many of whom also experience PEM — by abruptly abandoning a commitment to develop an updated version of the 2019 review. In addition, Cochrane republished the old review with a 2024 date, creating the false impression that it had, in fact, been updated. 

Many patients understandably viewed these actions as a betrayal of the promises Cochrane made when it published the 2019 version. At that time, Cochrane’s editor in chief, Dr. Karla Soares-Weiser, acknowledged in an editorial statement that the review was “based on a research question and a set of methods from 2002, and reflects evidence from studies that applied definitions of ME/CFS from the 1990s.” In other words, Cochrane committed to the update because its leadership was aware that the published review was inadequate for present purposes.

“I think patients are disappointed but not surprised, because they’re pretty used to being given the run-around by the authorities,” said Todd Davenport, a professor of physical therapy at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California, and a member of the team appointed to write the updated review, including a new protocol.

“The net result of all this is that Cochrane has flash-incinerated their credibility, or what was left of it,” Davenport said.

The update project was already way behind schedule. Davenport and the rest of the writing team, which included patient representatives as well as researchers and Cochrane staff, had invested considerable time in drafting a new protocol. They submitted a final version to Cochrane in February 2023, after having received feedback on previous drafts. They heard nothing further until last month, when Cochrane sent out a curt message informing them that the project was disbanded.

Davenport was particularly disappointed because of his past respect for Cochrane, which was founded in 1993 and named after Archie Cochrane, a Scottish physician and advocate for randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews. Working with thousands of volunteer experts around the world, the organization has produced many hundreds of systematic reviews. These reviews can be highly influential in clinical medicine, although in 2023 Cochrane received significant backlash over its inept handling of a controversial review of masks and viral illness. 

“Ever since I was a student, Cochrane has been held up as this trustworthy, reliable source of information,” said Davenport.“If you had a clinical question, Cochrane was the place where you went to find an answer. This experience has really showed me the extent of the political games behind this supposedly objective process of trying to synthesize studies.”

Mary Dimmock, a patient advocate and another member of the writing team, said she was “really pissed off” at Cochrane’s actions. “We put a lot of work into doing this in good faith, and they just pulled it with no consideration for the patients,” she said.


Again, you can read the rest here.

(View the original post at

#cochrane #Dimmock

New NASEM reports offer broad definition, highlight the seriousness of Long Covid - The Sick Times

The field of Long Covid research reached a major milestone…

The Sick Times - Chronicling the Long Covid crisis

From The Sick Times:

“Really pissed off”: Cochrane receives backlash from advocates and experts after abandoning ME/CFS review

“I think patients are disappointed but not surprised, because they’re pretty used to being given the run-around by the authorities"


#MEcfs #LongCovid #Cochrane #Exercise #Research #PEM

Global News

Town of Cochrane says legacy of the ‘Grandfather Tree’ to be preserved
Cochrane, Alta., says a project to preserve the legacy of the 'Grandfather Tree', one of the town's most famous landmarks, has begun.
#preservation #landmark #tree #Cochrane #Alta #Entertainment


"Cochrane Collaboration Cancels Independent Analysis of Exercise Therapy Review for ME/CFS"

"#MEAction is raising the alarm about Cochrane Collaboration’s sudden decision to abandon an independent analysis of the 2019 review of exercise therapy for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)"

#MEcfs #LongCovid #Cochrane #ExerciseTherapy

Stingray's Badger Friend


Appallingly harmful action here on the outdated #Cochrane review on exercise and ME/CFS

"Cochrane re-issued the review in December, dated it 2024 despite the last search for studies being over 10 years ago, ostensibly affirming its content as current"

We know that increasing exercise has been found to be harmful in ME/CFS.

This brings the Cochrane Foundation into disrepute.

Independent Advisory Group Open Letter to Cochrane

Today, the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) sent the…

Project Talk Page
Jules 🍺

I just signed the petition “Cochrane: Withdraw the harmful 2019/2024 Exercise therapy for CFS review” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Lots going on with this petition, read this blog

Our goal is to reach 15,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:

#petition #me #mecfs #LongCovid #COVID19 #covid #cochrane #cochranestudy

News from the IAG, and other good things

Things have been happening! And so we'll put our examination…
Global News

Much-beloved historic Cochrane landmark destroyed in powerful windstorm
Cochrane's 'Grandfather Tree' -- a much-loved feature of the town's natural landscape, was destroyed by the windstorm that swept across Alberta on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025.
#weather #destruction #landmark #Cochrane #Alberta #Environment

Ontario Outbreak Information

Outbreak: #COVID-19
Facility: Lady Minto Hospital
Facility Type: Hospital (Acute Care)
Unit/Floor/Area: Facility Wide
Location: #Cochrane #Ontario
Date: 2025-01-13

Public Health Unit: Porcupine Health Unit
Facility Tracking Hash: #POHU0001
PHU Tracking Hash: #OnObPOHU

Click or follow tracking hashtags to see data for individual facilities or a specific public health unit.

Erik van Schaaik

Cochrane, Patagonia, Chile. It was a rainy, overcast day. But it was lovely.

#cochrane #chile #patagonia #watercolor #watercolour #UrbanSketching #enpleinair #illustration

Jan 15, 2025, 14:15 · · · 6 · 0
CTV News Northern Ont

Alberta man charged with violent attacks
A Calgary-area man was charged and released twice following violent attacks in Cochrane, police said Thursday.
#crime #violence #law #Alberta #Calgary #Cochrane


@s4me Disturbing that: "...(Hilda) Bastian has been a longtime Cochrane insider, but in her role as a member of the IAG (Independent Advisory Group) she has publicly disagreed with the organization’s recent decision. She wrote ...

“Many of you will have seen Cochrane’s recent communication about the review on ME/CFS and exercise. We regret their decision to reject our advice, and are discussing next steps.”

#Cochrane used to be the 'go to' place for careful, critical health reviews.

CBC Sudbury

3 northern communities benefit from Ontario's internationally trained family physician program
Sudbury, Cochrane and Gore Bay will host candidates for three years as part of the initiative. The mayor of Gore Bay says the arrival of a new doctor in town has already decreased wait times for appointments for western Manitoulin Island residents.
#healthcare #program #community #Sudbury #Cochrane #GoreBay #ManitoulinIsland #News #Canada

Global News

Investigation underway after Cochrane, Alta. blaze destroys 2 homes
A huge fire in Cochrane, Alberta on Tuesday evening (Nov. 4, 2024) destroyed two homes that were under construction.
#fire #homes #Cochrane #Alberta #cochranefirechiefshaunpolley #CochraneFireDepartment #CochraneFireServices