These are public posts tagged with #definition. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Do you like a fast-paced life style? Or, when it's hectic do you like to go with the flow?
If so, perhaps you're *rheophilic*.
Well, not quite, but I learned the word in a seminar today and I like it and wanted to share it.
se trumper : faire volontairement une grosse connerie, mais avec fierté et aplomb.
by the stuttering of #PeterThiel u can tell that he was asked the right question
"Do you plan to destroy #democracy and replace it with #TechnoFacism where u are the #palantir #overlord?" (aka from #oligarch to #king #monarch #dictator #dicktator or worse)
the #rich have one fear: to one day be #poor again because their #privileges got taken away
the most dangerous are the #poweraddicts (like #Hitler #Stalin #Putin) which will sacrifice everyone and everything for even more #power maybe #PeterThiel is one of them?
#btw concentration of #power (into not #democratic elected hands) is literately the #definition of #fascism
You will never hear an #honest word from those people, if it does not serve their gain more #power agenda :(
#hypervigilance about #PeterThiel and #ElonMusk and #JDVance and #Trump the vehicle to #holyfuck #CurtisYarvin
The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.
#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat
10 insights about the #Expanding #Universe from a #Nobel #Laureate : Medium
New #Obesity #Definition Shifts Focus From #BMI – Here's The #Science Behind It : Misc
The #Future of #Technology: Top 5 #Skills to #Learn in #2025 : Misc
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
Cette #IA #AI réussit l’ #impossible : elle #transforme n’importe quelle #vidéo #floue en #vidéo #haute #définition avec une #précision #jamais #vue !
Voici le projet Starlight, « le tout premier modèle…
FuturaThe Commission publishes guidelines on AI system definition to facilitate the first AI Act’s rules application
@MarSolRivas donnons les bons hashtags pour que ces informations importantes puissent être correctement indexées
#factchecking #nobel #science #update #definition #pi
Le nombre pi (en qwerty : π ) trouve ses origines dans les fosses à purin, dans l'antiquité on parlait de pipi (ce que les modernes appellent pi au carré).
Son utilisation récente est restreinte aux cercles de tous types, y compris les Cercles de réflexion dont le diamètre est souvent incalculable
The #Ritual
1-min #experimental #performance #video with #music, by Tuğçe Asilkan & Tucci for #Vimeo.
One could ask, are these 'unrelated' #videos to be taken as being 'about' Time Travel? Our answer is yes, because Time Travel is not 'about' one thing having a #consensual #definition, only #incomplete or #conjectural ones. One can look for #TimeTravelers anywhere, or anywhen. 2012 Feb 07
#Time #Timelessness #TimeTravel #art #signal #language #meaning #Kronodon
"Eine oligarchische Thymokratie ist ein System, in dem politische Macht von einer kleinen Elite kontrolliert wird, die emotionale Mobilisierung und Manipulation nutzt, um ihre Herrschaft zu sichern. Konzern-Neurohacking kann diesen Übergang fördern, indem es die dialogischen Prinzipien der Demokratie untergräbt." #Thymokratie #Neurohacking #Definition
The newly formed Open Source Alliance (OSA) has released its take on an open-source AI definition (OSAID): the Open Weight Definition (OWD).
#ai #definition #opensource #alliance
This new framework from the Open Source Alliance aims…
ZDNETHoppla, #Deutschland ist ja auch gar keine Republik.
Zumindest wenn mensch die extrem (zu) strenge #Definition des @bundestag als Maßstab anlegt:
"Die #Republik (lateinisch „res publica“: #Staat, wörtlich: die #ÖffentlicheSache) ist eine #Staatsform, die sich am #Gemeinwohl und #Gemeinwesen orientiert."
Qu’est-ce que le Datamatrix, le code-barre qui ressemble au QR code ? #Datamatrix #definition #Sciences #QRCode #Tech #Code
The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.
#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat
The real #definition of #Metaphysics (#Metaphysical #Science):
(starts at 26 minutes 5 seconds)
As I noted in my above #interview on #AeonByteGnosticRadio by #MiguelConner, Metaphysics is a specific, tricky word, field to define due to vast #misinformation, #disinformation, and #charlatans plaguing the field.
#AeonByte #Gnostic #Gnosticism #gnosis #truth #news #science #realscience
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original… Jarvis's definition of journalism exposes parallels between the missions of journalism and participant-driven & participation-rich events
#journalism #definition #mission #community #convening #ParticipationRich #events #eventprofs
(No way I'll put the meaning here. You'll have to search and see for yourselves.)
What is your most concise definition of learning? (in the broadest sense of the term). The more abstract the definition, the better. #learning #definition #philosophy
The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.
#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat