Jon Sullivan

Do you like a fast-paced life style? Or, when it's hectic do you like to go with the flow?

If so, perhaps you're *rheophilic*.

Well, not quite, but I learned the word in a seminar today and I like it and wanted to share it.

🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊 🌊

#FreshwaterEcology #definition


se trumper : faire volontairement une grosse connerie, mais avec fierté et aplomb.

Mar 07, 2025, 13:04 · · · 8 · 0


by the stuttering of #PeterThiel u can tell that he was asked the right question

"Do you plan to destroy #democracy and replace it with #TechnoFacism where u are the #palantir #overlord?" (aka from #oligarch to #king #monarch #dictator #dicktator or worse)

the #rich have one fear: to one day be #poor again because their #privileges got taken away

the most dangerous are the #poweraddicts (like #Hitler #Stalin #Putin) which will sacrifice everyone and everything for even more #power maybe #PeterThiel is one of them?

#btw concentration of #power (into not #democratic elected hands) is literately the #definition of #fascism

You will never hear an #honest word from those people, if it does not serve their gain more #power agenda :(

#hypervigilance about #PeterThiel and #ElonMusk and #JDVance and #Trump the vehicle to #holyfuck #CurtisYarvin

Mar 06, 2025, 23:14 · · · 1 · 0
Adrian Segar

The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.

#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat

Knowledge Zone

10 insights about the #Expanding #Universe from a #Nobel #Laureate : Medium

New #Obesity #Definition Shifts Focus From #BMI – Here's The #Science Behind It : Misc

The #Future of #Technology: Top 5 #Skills to #Learn in #2025 : Misc

Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks

Maria Candea (➡️piaille)

@MarSolRivas donnons les bons hashtags pour que ces informations importantes puissent être correctement indexées

#factchecking #nobel #science #update #definition #pi
Le nombre pi (en qwerty : π ) trouve ses origines dans les fosses à purin, dans l'antiquité on parlait de pipi (ce que les modernes appellent pi au carré).

Son utilisation récente est restreinte aux cercles de tous types, y compris les Cercles de réflexion dont le diamètre est souvent incalculable

The Krononaut Moon Project 🌑

The #Ritual
1-min #experimental #performance #video with #music, by Tuğçe Asilkan & Tucci for #Vimeo.

One could ask, are these 'unrelated' #videos to be taken as being 'about' Time Travel? Our answer is yes, because Time Travel is not 'about' one thing having a #consensual #definition, only #incomplete or #conjectural ones. One can look for #TimeTravelers anywhere, or anywhen.

🔗 2012 Feb 07

#Time #Timelessness #TimeTravel #art #signal #language #meaning #Kronodon

Jan 25, 2025, 22:44 · · · 0 · 0
Dr. Michael Blume


"Eine oligarchische Thymokratie ist ein System, in dem politische Macht von einer kleinen Elite kontrolliert wird, die emotionale Mobilisierung und Manipulation nutzt, um ihre Herrschaft zu sichern. Konzern-Neurohacking kann diesen Übergang fördern, indem es die dialogischen Prinzipien der Demokratie untergräbt." #Thymokratie #Neurohacking #Definition


Hoppla, #Deutschland ist ja auch gar keine Republik. 😬 😅

Zumindest wenn mensch die extrem (zu) strenge #Definition des @bundestag als Maßstab anlegt:

"Die #Republik (lateinisch „res publica“: #Staat, wörtlich: die #ÖffentlicheSache) ist eine #Staatsform, die sich am #Gemeinwohl und #Gemeinwesen orientiert."


Adrian Segar

The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.

#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat

alice 🪞♥️ 🎩🐇

(No way I'll put the meaning here. You'll have to search and see for yourselves.)

#word #irrumatio #definition 😱


What is your most concise definition of learning? (in the broadest sense of the term). The more abstract the definition, the better. #learning #definition #philosophy

Adrian Segar

The word "unconference" is increasingly used to describe traditional conferences. These aren't the unconferences you're looking for.

#unconference #popularity #definition #PeerConference #eventprofs #assnchat