Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

🇷🇴#Romania’s industries include petrochemical, chemical, metal processing, machine manufacturing, textiles, transport and industrial equipment, lumber and furniture.

The country produces natural gas, coal, petroleum, salt and iron ore as well.

The land is blessed with significant oil reserves and some of the largest gold deposits in all of 🌍#Europe.

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Random Facts ♾️

According to legend, there is a Superman in every episode of Seinfeld.

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I think that after work I will reread Bruno Latours excellent essay "Why has critique run out of steam. If you ever use any type of language or terms connected to postmodernism, then you probably should do that as well:


#philosophy #critique #facts

Feb 19, 2025, 09:00 · · · 1 · 0
Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

The first monarch of the 🇷🇴#Romania‎n 👑#RoyalFamily was Carol I, who was crowned king in 1866 after 🇷🇴#Romania declared independence from the 🇹🇷#OttomanEmpire.

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Random Facts: Cats 🐈 🐈‍⬛

A cat has the power to heal themselves by purring. A domestic cat’s purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz. This happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves.

🐾 #RandomFact #RandomFacts #Fact #Facts #Cat #Cats

Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

🇷🇴#Romania is home to a diverse range of plant life, including over 3,700 species of vascular plants, many of which are endemic to the country.

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Random Facts ♾️

The oldest pig in the world lived to the age of 68.

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↯ Klaatu - Some Brave Apollo ↯

1.5 million tons every second traveling at 100 miles per second. That's the solar wind which is basically a stream of protons, hydrogen atoms with the electrons ripped off. That net positive charge allows them to be deflected by the Earth's magnetic field #trendingshorts #facts #earth #solarsystem #space

Still that's a lot of hydrogen going to waste. Use a Bussard ram scoop and harvest that for fuel

- YouTube

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Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

The country has a number of important research and development centers, including the Institute for Biochemistry and the Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics.

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Random Facts ♾️

Coffee drinkers have sex more frequently than non-coffee drinkers.

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Random Facts: Cats 🐈 🐈‍⬛

In contrast to dogs, cats have not undergone major changes during their domestication process.

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Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

During the 🗡️#Medieval era, 🇷🇴#Romania was a crossroads of trade and cultural exchange between the East and the West, and it was influenced by both Byzantine and 🌍#WesternEurope‎an culture.

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Random Facts ♾️

John F. #Kennedy was buried without his brain after it was lost during the autopsy!

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Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

The #DanubeDelta is home to a number of important bird species, including the 🌍#Europe‎an white pelican and the pygmy cormorant.

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Random Facts: Romania 🔵🟡🔴

After the end of Mongol rule in the #15Century, its history involved two 🇷🇴#Romania‎n principalities, 🇲🇩#Moldova and #Wallachia, and #Transylvania, which was a Hungarian dependency most of the time. The princes who ruled the first two became vassals of the 🇹🇷#OttomanEmpire until all three were united under the rule of Michael the #Brave in 1601.

🇷🇴 #RandomFact #RandomFacts #Fact #Facts #Romania #Hungary #Ungaria #Transylvania

Random Facts ♾️

🔋#Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste.

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