These are public posts tagged with #frisbee. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
@shonin Have raised this issue in Riverside Park, NYC and they all get so Olmsteady on me. Frisbee thrower rights are threatened! Will send this link their way. If they only converted 5% of the lawns.
#Olmstead #Frisbee #RiversideParkConservancy
@jmslbam @Mdubbelm @rianrietveld Kijk, wij zitten op das selbe level Jamie. Top! #frisbee
You've been throwing a frisbee all wrong, new study finds.
From @sciencefocus: "Researchers at Berry College, Georgia, investigated professional and amateur disc golf players (yes… that’s a real sport) to explore the effect different thumb positions had on disc throwing."
Gdyby wszystkie alerty RCB brzmiały w ten sposób to każdy ich wyczekiwał :)
Uwaga, drodzy obywatele! Przygotujcie się na niezapomniane widowisko natury! Dziś czeka nas spektakularny pokaz fajerwerków prosto z nieba, okraszony bonusowymi kulkami lodu spadającymi prosto na wasze głowy! A żeby było jeszcze ciekawiej, matka natura postanowiła dodać do tego miksu odrobinę adrenaliny w postaci huraganu! Ale spokojnie, to nie wszystko! W ramach dodatkowej atrakcji, możecie spodziewać się romantycznych chwil przy świecach, gdy nasz niezawodny system energetyczny postanowi zrobić sobie zasłużoną przerwę. Kto potrzebuje elektryczności w XXI wieku, prawda? I na koniec, specjalna oferta dla miłośników latawców i frisbee - dziś wszystko lata za darmo! Wystarczy zostawić swoje rzeczy na zewnątrz, a silny wiatr zadba o resztę. Kto wie, może wasze meble ogrodowe odwiedzą sąsiada kilka ulic dalej? Więc cieszcie się tym wspaniałym dniem, kochani! W końcu, co może pójść nie tak?
Kto już dostał alert dzisiaj?
#AlertRCB #WidowiskoNatury #PokazFajerwerków #KulkiLodu #Huragan #RomantyczneChwile #SystemEnergetyczny #Latawce #Frisbee #SilnyWiatr #MebleOgrodowe #CoMożePójśćNieTak
I really love this dog.
Last March, we adopted Snuffy from @dpsrescue. They picked her out for us, based on our application, what we said we could provide and were looking for.
She's a little more than 6 months old now and a fabulous dog. They thought she was a border collie mix, maybe border collie and standard poodle, based on the entire litter. Now I am guessing that she's about 99.9% border #collie, based on her looks and personality.
But regardless, she's the sweetest little dog, she just loves us, she's a wonderful family #dog.
She's *so cuddly*.
She is smarter than I am, she has learned commands after only a few repetitions, but nothing takes too long. (The record: "back up" required two repetitions, rewarded by a toss of the frisbee.) She loves her wading pool, she loves her #frisbee ....
38 likes, 12 comments - geographile on June 23, 2024:…
www.instagram.comIt's National Donut Day!
#donuts #donut #frisbee #toys #toy #outside #park #backyard #fun #food #foodie #ThrowbackThursday #uniquegifts #fungifts #funnygifts #funnygift #noveltygifts #noveltyitem #birthday #birthdaypresents #gaggifts #giftideas #gifts #gifts #funny #nationaldonutday
This old video connects two of my hobbies music on vinyl and juggling. I even skated in my youth. There is even a cameo from Sylvestre Dewa, a.k.a. Trash, a diabolo player. The music is from aberration chromatique and adds to the vibe of footbagging, juggling and skating vinyl discs. I loved this video back in the days.
#circusvideo #cirque #circus #juggling #passing #vinyl #skating #frisbee
Dynamism of a ligh-up frisbee disk.
Not sure what the game was - ultimate?
Was this necessary? Yes. #books #bibliography #library #frisbee
Ocean Beach, San Francisco. Getting ready for the Fog Five Ultimate Frisbee tournament.
#photography #frisbee #UltimateFrisbee #SanFrancisco #OceanBeach #AlamedaTaurus #FogFive
Hello le #fediverse !
On filme nos matchs pour analyser le jeu de chacun et donner des objectifs d'amélioration personnalisés ! On voudrait que les joueurs puissent avoir accès aux vidéos en ligne, une idée d'une instance #peertube hébergée en France qui serait adaptée pour ce contenu ?
Merci d'avance !
#vidéo #ultimate #ultimatefrisbee #frisbee #sport #match
‘A big honour’: Calgary’s ‘Frisbee Rob’ makes new Guinness World Records book
Rob McLeod and his canine companion Sailor are getting worldwide recognition for their amazing achievements, while sharing some important lessons with Canadian school kids.
#globalnews #Features #CalgaryGoodNews #Frisbee #frisbeedog
Malte the dog played frisbee with me, on a playground in the early morning.
This kid's toy was an accidental find, but boy was that engaging for us. The thick rubber thing flew good distances, proved somewhat chewing resistant and doggo ran after it like its the best toy ever. It was! And he actually retrieved it. Good boy.
Overall, happy exhaustion within a handful of minutes. We'll need to get a few of those soon!
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #dogsofthefediverse #dogsofthefederation #goldenretriever #狗 #fidofriday #frisbee
Went to a garden park and played #frisbee today. It had been a while but some good throws and catches were had. Then wandered down to some shops and #markets at #Chatuchak There was a pet market there but it made me feel a bit sad to see sugar gliders, skinks, lizards, meerkats and capybaras for sale #Bangkok #FieldTrip #UrbanExplorer
Hat jemand in #Kiel bei gutem Wetter Lust, im #Schützenpark oder #Schrevenpark ab und zu eine Runde #Frisbee zu spielen?
Lockeres Werfen, sich ein bisschen treiben, gerade Würde, Bögen, worauf Lust ist.
Ich hab mir kürzlich eine Ringschreibe gekauft und müsste auch noch ne Ultimate-Scheibe hier irgendwo haben.
*Das Foto ist von Josh Rocklage auf Unsplash –*