These are public posts tagged with #goth. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Lingerie pic part 2
And in the next slide... goodness, gracious! Looks like we've already made our way to my *clearly very humble* bed chambers and I reckon you've been enjoying the hell out of watching me walk
But!.. there might be a chance that, blinded by lust, you've ignored some signs that you may be in danger!
(idk where the fuck I'm going with this)
To mark the 40th anniversary of Strawberry Switchblade's single Let Her Go, every day this week we'll be posting content to do with the song. Here's the full-page ad placed in the UK music press - 'from the girls that know'.
#StrawberrySwitchblade #rosemcdowall #jillbryson #scottishband #scottishbands #femaleband #femalebands #glasgowband #glasgowbands #glasgowmusic #80smusic #indie #indiepop #goth #80sgoth #newwave #synthpop #80spopstars #polkadots
I am a daylight saving time zombie. Will probably play this song on repeat today.
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original… dancer from hell, shotadom implications,
Dante the gogo dancer from hell he spends his free time fucking demon imp shotas for money he's pornstar in hell too #gay #yaoi #bara #baratiddies #nipplepiercings #nipples #hairy #pits #chesthair #bush #pubes #tonguepiercing #piercings #gothic #goth #demon #monster #mole #moles #sharpteeth #musky #musk #bigbottom #bigsub #bottom #incubi #incubus #choker #spikes #thong #gstring #slut
Obviously, I'm reaching into the past for tonight's VERY SPECIAL 150th Episode. The terrifying Hellscape of the 1980s seems like a picnic when compared to 2025.
One I put together this morning while listening to mewithoutYou's A To B Life for the millionth time again.
#design #art #blackandwhite #bnw #scorpion #grunge #eerie #atmospheric #gothic #goth
Tonight's repeat episode of Friday night's show kicks off with a song by Pink Floyd. Whom I told were the Pixel Grip of the 1970s.
Don't worry if you missed Friday night's 150th episode of my radio because the who thing repeats tonight on Y-NOT Radio
( Only this time I'll be live-posting along with the show.
Contexto: a minha moça a mostrar as críticas da comunidade gótica aqui do Porto e centro do país na rede social do livro das caras. "ah e tal, aquela moça do festival veste-se como gótica mas nem deve conhecer Joy Division" yeah a tipa que vive na terra deles, nunca deve ter sequer ouvido tal. Nenhuma subcultura é dona do estilo que alguém decide encarar. Os próprios góticos foram buscar a outras subculturas e movimentos. E não ouvi falar de nenhum dos puros a tentar sequer concorrer. O ponto principal, e nisto a Henka tem já o mérito, é que por mais que não agrade aos ditos alternativos por ser ligeira demais, alternativa de menos, ou diferente no que produziu, é que está já a quebrar e a abrir espaço para que outros géneros tenham a passadeira para participar. É pelos puros que morrem culturas. #goth #esc #festivaldacancao #alternative #gótico
DJ ALANT - MASHUP - Tear You Apart + Bela Lugosi's Dead
She wants revenge / Bauhaus… Back after banning.
//maybe the best mashup ever//
#DjAlant #Mashup #Goth #Music #SheWantsRevenge #Bauhaus #TearYouApart #BelaLugosisDead #Mashup #GoGo
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original…, el legendario bajista de los no menos legendarios #JoyDivision y #NewOrder, homenajeando esta noche a sus dos bandas anteriores con la suya propia. 2 bajos 2.
Sabíamos a lo que íbamos, y Hooky no nos ha defraudado.
Y adivinen qué canción ha sido la más coreada...
#PostPunk #Goth #tecno #dance #trance #synth #PeterHookAndTheLight
Kids, I know that my radio sounds best from inside an abandoned refrigerator but take it from Punky Brewster and listen to it in the relative safety of your home.
One I finished up yesterday.
#design #art #horror #eerie #atmospheric #grunge #distorted #rabbit #gothic #goth
Echovox in Satanic Panic Tee #usergenerated #art #altfashion #goth
There is something indescribably special about a friend who just ‘gets’ you. Met one of my oldest pals for lunch today to exchange Christmas gifts. (Okay, we’re not timely!) She’d only managed to find me another #print from Rowlandson’s The English Dance Of #death ! I’ve already got the masquerade (PARTY SKELETON!), and she’s found me the coquette. #GeorgianSatire #Rowlandson #satire #Regency #skeleton #goth #PartySkeleton