redbanjer 🪕🇺🇦🇨🇦🇬🇱🇲🇽

I bought a tiny little starter plant of Hoya Retusa (the Grass Leaved Hoya) just about four years ago now, on Etsy. For a while it looked really weak, but then it seemed to stabilize in its new pot.
It has grown VERY sloooowly for me, but it does a little better each year.
A year ago it produced one tiny blossom. Just one.
Well last night in my office I smelled the distinct fragrance of a hoya flower, but I could not find any blooms on my 'usual suspects' hoyas. But then I finally found THREE little single blossoms happily blooming on my Retusa... yay! It's an appealing sweet light scent. This plant is very undemanding and looks very pretty hanging in the window with its delicate grasslike fronds.
#hoya #houseplants #HoyaPlants #BloomScrolling #gardening

Feb 21, 2025, 23:54 · · · 0 · 0
El Minuto

Was man beim #Aufräumen nicht so alles findet...
Der Pin ist vom #Hochwasser-Einsatz 1994 in #Oschersleben. Ich war damals beim OV #Hoya (gleich neben der Bundesschule) und wir haben Wasser aus dem Löschteich in die Bode gepumpt. Das war für uns ein sehr entspannter Einsatz. Bei gutem Frühlings-Wetter mussten wir nur gelegentlich die #Pumpen nachsetzen oder den #Generator betanken.
#Sandsäcke schleppen durfte die #Bundeswehr.
Etwas mulmig war mir als langhaariger damals nur, als am 20.04. zwei Skinheads gelangweilt durch die Straßen liefen.


One of my Hoya plants popped out a surprise bloom. This one must've loved the warm, dry air from the vent nearby.

#Bloomscrolling #houseplants #hoya


Aufgrund ihrer herzförmigen Blätter ist die #Hoya kerrii bei uns auch unter den Namen "Herzblatt-Pflanze", "Herzpflanze" oder "Kleiner Liebling" bekannt.
Sie wird durch Stecklinge vermehrt. Schneidet einfach ein Blatt ab und pflanzt es in ein leicht feuchtes (Sukkulenten)Substrat


I need the teeth hoya.
(Hoya lasiantha)

Edit: Bad news, the teeth hoya is very expensive ~ $150 😅

#hoya #houseplants

Alex Wild

Botanical mystery: I bought a hanging houseplant a few months ago. It’s very cute. But I can’t remember what it is, and now it’s flowering little purple tubes and I’m even more confused. I’m pretty sure it’s a Hoya wax plant, but there are a ton of species and varieties and none of them look like this.

Does anyone here recognize my mystery plant?

#bloomscrolling #flowers #Hoya #Botany

Francois Dion

@erik @pasqualeberesti and in the process got to play with all kinds of filters (variable multiple colors, kaleidoscopic etc) and many brands.

In recent years, buying new filters i’ve mostly stuck to Tamron, Fujifilm, B+W (citylight) and Hoya.

#photography #filters #spiratone #kenko #cokin #tamron #fujifilm #b+w #hoya #vivitar

Francois Dion

@erik @pasqualeberesti in my case, in the 90s, got a pair of Fujica slr cameras for my wife and I, and a few m42 fujinon lenses. They all shared a 49mm filter thread. So i bought some new Tiffen filters. Also a few Hoya. Closeup filters, red ( for black and white), some diffusion, some gradient and some ND. Also uv/haze, and a few others. We used those a good bit, without real issues.

#photography #filters #lens #tiffen #hoya #fujica #m42 #camera #slr


instead of doing something useful in the garden, i made a plant high-rise apartment in a dead 'ohi'a tree 🥰 :

plants include: staghorn ferns, various orchids, and a hoya

i also included my old favorite bowl that i broke..well, part of it.

everything is tied together with twine.

i made it at eye-level for me and it's in an area that gets a bit of afternoon sun. otherwise they're shaded.

#gardening #orchids #ferns #tropical #hoya #hawaii

Richard Ważny

Hoya carnosa is bustin' out all over down under in good old Melbourne town. The porcelain flowers are quite striking & the scent is heavenly.🥳😷😀
#nature #flowers #photography #Hoya #humor

Klaus Alexander Seistrup
@houseplants | @plants

Perhaps the Hoya linearis is self-sterile.

Perhaps no Danish nocturnal insects are attracted to its flowers.

No seeds.


Also look at this Hoya Cummingiana. @stavvers both got one because it has a funny name 😅 It’s sibling got a bit sick and I took it to Zoe’s yesterday but this one is freaking thriving. Second pic is with its sib #hoya #houseplantsofmastodon #cummingvagina