Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

put another way,

Incrementalism is just Progressive Conservatism, making smaller and smaller changes to the Status Quo until you're back with an immoveable status quo, ie. Conservatism.

Incrementalism isn't Progressive.
It's just Conservatism with bad short term memory.

#CanPoli #CdnPoli #Trade #Liberal #Capitalism #Lobbying #Incrementalism #TrumpTariffs #buyCanadian

Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸

Incrementalism is often raised as a way to make changes that people can handle (ie. won't punish electorially).

But my own theory is that incrementalism forces people into a cycle of diminishing returns.

The increment fixes less than the whole issue… and every increment after that addresses less of the issue than the last, until you effectively aren't making any noticeable changes at all, which leads the electorate to cynicism.

The only way to halt that cycle and regain credibility is to make a big change.

Which begs the question: Why didn't we just do the big change in the first place?

This might have to do with provincial trade barriers in Canada, or it might not, but the fact these barriers have been an "issue" for decades, and now all of a sudden they can "crumble" in less than 30 days, makes me think… incrementalism sucks.

#CanPoli #CdnPoli #Trade #Liberal #Capitalism #Lobbying #Incrementalism #TrumpTariffs #buyCanadian

Richard W. Woodley ELBOWS UP 🇨🇦🌹🚴‍♂️📷 🗺️

So the plastic tabs on our bread wrappers are now cardboard but the bags alas are still plastic. Is this what they cal #incrementalism ?

"You do you" is Eu-gen-ics.

Blue-no-matter-who #incrementalism is also TESCREAL.

Specifically, rationalism, effective altruism and longtermism.

LessWrong-style acquiescence in the face of political complexity, at once act-utilitarianist and anti-localist, deprioritizing present harms in deference to existential pivotalism.

"You do you" is Eu-gen-ics.

A steady inexorable grind....


Of ever tightening....


#Tensegrity binds...


Is, indeed...






#Incrementalism 2024


joe•iuculano :mastodon:


I thought the #Russians were the Masters of #incrementalism.

Lol, not anymore, apparently


Many communists and socialists opposed FDR's New Deal for almost exactly the same reason that they now oppose UBI. Many saw it as a plot to appease the Proletariat and delay the inevitable and necessary Revolution.

"During the first term of the FDR administration both the Socialist Party of America and the CPUSA under William Z Foster opposed the New Deal because they saw it as a Capitalist plot to appease the Proletariat with a mere reform of the Market Economy. And that decision more then anything else is what killed the early Socialist Movement in the United States."

#ubi #socialism #communism #incrementalism #revolution


Basic Income could become the next New Deal

Andrew Yang liked to cite Thomas Paine's Citizens Dividend…
Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@Adam_Cadmon1 At this point fighting for a 15.00 per hour minimum wage is just #neoliberal #incrementalism.

WIST Quotations has moved!

A quotation from Gaiman, Neil:

I think the most important thing I learned from Stephen King I learned as a teenager, reading King’s book of essays on horror and on writing, Danse Macabre. In there he points out that if you just write a page a day, just 300 words, at the end of a year you’d have a novel. It was immensely reassuring — suddenly somethin…

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

#quote #quotes #quotation #incrementalism #persistence #writing