These are public posts tagged with #indifference. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Public servants, NOT Egyptian gods.
Yet indifference and complacency have allowed the most despicable of daemons to take over every system, every agency, every element designed to govern human society.
#Corruption #Greed #Capitalism #Nepotism #DirtyPoliticians #Society #Indifference #Complacency
"Baby I could watch whole nations die and I don't care at all"
[4/4] Let us fuse our #fear, our sadness and our anger into a powerful weapon against hatred and #indifference. Against Evil. The moment is now.
"Across a series of experiments, we found that people treated unfairly by an #AI were less likely to punish human wrongdoers afterwards than participants who had been treated unfairly by a human. They showed a kind of #desensitisation to others’ bad behaviour. We called it AI-induced #indifference, to capture the idea that unfair treatment by AI can weaken people’s sense of accountability to others. This makes them less likely to address injustices in their community."
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes important decisions…
The Next WebApplied rhetoric
rhetoric - speech or writing used with the aim of persuading
I'll soon be sending a series of, say four, emails to a group of +150 people who could be treating a #LGBTQI+ member of the group much better.
They've already got the document showing years of mistreatment, mal-administration and targeted harassment.
If each email is on one relevant issue, what do you think those four issues would better be?
#Rhetoric #Maladministration #Discrimination #Harassment #Indifference
Judge Mark S. Norris, who will make the final sentencing judgment, is also overseeing the trials of the remaining 3 officers: Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley & Justin Smith. They are charged w/ use of #ExcessiveForce, conspiracy to commit #WitnessTampering , #obstruction of #justice & deliberate #indifference to #TyreNichols’s #medical condition.
#SocialJustice #law #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceViolence #AbuseOfPower #SystemicRacism #Memphis
#soudan #famine #guerre #DroitsHumains #Guerre #war #Indifférence
Le Soudan, en guerre depuis presque un an, est au bord de la « pire crise de la faim au monde », selon le Programme alimentaire mondial : plus de 18 millions de personnes sont confrontées à une insécurité alimentaire grave.
Dans un contexte où l'opinion internationale est tournée vers d'autres conflits, les violations des droits humains continuent de se poursuivre, sans aucune solution politique à l'horizon.
Le silence médiatique et militant qui entoure le Soudan permet aux militaires des deux camps de commettre un véritable génocide en toute impunité.
Le conflit qui oppose les deux clans à de nombreuses composantes: ethniques, avec son cortège de génocides (selon l'ONU) réciproques; «impérialiste», car chacun des deux groupes qui s'affrontent est soutenu par différentes puissances étrangères qui convoient le Soudan pour ses ressources naturelles et pour sa localisation stratégique
Mais surtout il s'agit d'une guerre «contre-révolutionnaire».
En mettant le pays à feu et à sang, elle a fait s'effondrer les espoirs de la révolution civile et démocratique.
Et a poussé sur les routes de l'exil de nombreux militants engagés dans la révolution. En déstabilisant complètement le pays, cette guerre permet aux cadres de l'ancien régime de rester en place sans être jugés pour les crimes qu'ils ont commis durant des décennies (durant la dictature militaire puis du coup d'Etat). (Source: SudfaMedia, Média participatif franco-soudanais
Le Soudan, en guerre depuis presque un an, est au bord…
www.blast-info.frToday's poem:
- by Charles Bernstein
#poetry #CharlesBernstein #pompeii #wealth #greed #justification #indifference #injustice #want
Charles Bernstein The rich men, they know about…
Tumblr@msquebanh I already have trouble sleeping. The fact that this didn’t change anything. #warcrimes #dictators #indifference
The US economy will continue to be good-not-good until the threat of an impending Trump dictatorship, the end of democracy, and trashing of the Constitution is removed from the possible futures of the United States.
I'm amazed how many corporations think they can still hedge their bets and risk the inevitable chaos of a Trump regime. Do they all think they will flourish manufacturing consent for MAGA as IBM did tabulating the Holocaust for Hitler?
According to #ElieWiesel the #opposite of #love is not #hate but rather #indifference or #apathy
“No one can claim, ‘I did not know’ as images, footages and voices of unspeakable suffering continue to come out by the hour from Gaza. We cannot anymore turn a blind eye to this human tragedy."
Philippe Lazzarini
Meanwhile in #TrumpVirus Mental Incapacity news...
>>> Trump calls Orban leader of Turkey]
Or as this was titled on X: "Florida retiree pledges his love for Orban, but forgets where Orban is from"
If he ever knew... or cared.
#dementia #psychopathology #indifference #stupidity #truth #traitor #grifter - all awaiting #justice & #accountability
Today's poem:
The Host of the Air
- by W. B. Yeats
#poetry #complacency #loss #WBYeats #love #indifference #relationship
W. B. Yeats O’Driscoll drove with a song, The wild…
TumblrBig Oil has plans to extract fossil fuels well into 2030. Since no government or organisation can oppose them since they are either too corrupt or too weak, these plans are, of course, absolute.
#FossilFuels #Indifference #Corruption #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange
Imagine if the actual nazis were still genociding the native peoples and cultures in occupied lebensraum *for 70 fucking years and counting*...
Imagine the 'third reich' — completely unrepentent and still military-expansionist — was not only admitted to the United Nations but given a top seat with veto powers...
Just so that the industrialists and bankers of the democratic world could do unhindered business there, with cheap labour (the reeducation camps naturally fully utilized!) and not a labour law or civil libetry in sight!
Imagination isn't needed.
The CCP chinazis, who even adopted "legalism" from nazi #Germany to justify any and all acts of despotism under "rule-by-law", their dictatorship switched from nominal "communism" to #NationalSocialism (orig. nazional sozialismus i.e. nazism) and did all that. While killing more people than #stalin and #hitler *combined*. After WWII, 'the end of all wars'...
And *still* people of the embattled democracies are buying all they can from that regime, empowering it and paying its bills as is builds it concentration camps and its military power and its internal control machinery... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ukrainians are now having to fight to stop #russian genocidal invasion exactly because the likes of #putin and #xijinping saw there were no *consequences* if you genocide #Tibetans or #Uighurs or even deprive #Hongkongers of their civil rights in that #BankingColony of the #CCP ...
Well, all that #indifference that has caused so much suffering to those neighbours of despotic imperialists will inevitably hit home at those indifferent democracies that chose to look away.
And it always was a choice.
#china #chinazi #WTO #MFN #Ukraine #democracy #humanrights
30 refugees missing after their boat capsized off the coast of Italy.
This is yet another tragedy that the world will ignore.
#DeathAtSea #italy #refugees #politics #indifference #tragedy
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