These are public posts tagged with #inhibition. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
#Multicountry #Spread of #Influenza #H1N1pdm09 Viruses with Reduced #Oseltamivir #Inhibition, May 2023–February 2024, Emerg Infect Dis.:
Since May 2023, a novel combination of NA #mutations, I223V+S247N, has been detected in viruses collected in countries spanning 5 continents, mostly in #Europe (67/101). Viruses belong to 2 phylogenetically distinct groups & display ≈13-fold reduced inhibition by oseltamivir while retaining normal susceptibility to other antivirals.
pH1N1 with Reduced Oseltamivir Inhibition
wwwnc.cdc.govWhat a week this has been! 3 papers out and its still Thursday!
Definitely too much, now I should brace for 6 months of rejections
The first is on how motor processes in speech perception. We studied neural encoding (#EEG) of articulatory #synergies during speech listening. With partial information decomposition we described unique #motor information in the theta and delta bands and its dependence on task difficulty.
The second is on the multiple time scales of #interpersonal #motor coordination. Here we demonstrate that submovement coordination is a potentially fundamental mechanism that participates in interpersonal motor coordination regardless of the sensory domain mediating the interaction.
The third is on how interpersonal motor coordination is regulated via neurophysiological #inhibition . Here we confirm a dissociation between fast and slow inhibition and provide evidence that dorsal #premotor areas are key for motor co-adaptations.
Ginger Consumption May Mitigate Neutrophil Dysfunction
Blood samples from healthy adults show an inhibition of neutrophil extracellular trap formation (NET) after 1 week of daily ginger supplements. #ginger #supplement #neutrophil dysfunction #inhibition #PDE
An oral ginger extract was associated with reduced…
www.medscape.comPharmacological #inhibition of TBK1/IKKε blunts #immunopathology in a murine model of #SARS-CoV-2 infection #research #science #covid19 #hyperinflammation
Lots of handy info in this paper on inhibitory interneurons.
Tremblay, R., Lee, S., & Rudy, B. (2016). GABAergic interneurons in the neocortex: from cellular properties to circuits. Neuron, 91(2), 260-292.
Why Upper Respiratory Infections Are More Common in Colder Temperatures ? The response is inside the #nose ( #immune #inhibition)
Hello time for an #introduction
I'm a neuroscientist at Stanford in @giocomo's lab studying how neural firing sequences in entorhinal cortex evolve over learning. I'm also the co-chair of the Inhibition in the CNS Gordon seminar in 2023 I love studying all things #inhibition, spatial learning and memory, and #Alzheimer's disease.
Also I have a dog named Heimdall, king potato and president of derpistan.
Dear Mastodon Community,
I am a research assistant at Eötvös Loránd University in #Budapest, #Hungary.
I am currently working on executive functions (e.g., #attention, #inhibition, and #mindfulness) and #neuromodulation (e.g., #tDCS and #neurofeedback). I am also interested in #cyberpsychology and #meta-science.
Let's meet if we have the same interests!
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RT by @physorg_com: Revealed: Anterior prefrontal-putamen circuit essential to response #inhibition in humans @CellReports
The prefrontal-subthalamic neural circuit within the…
medicalxpress.comThe best way to exercise self-control is not to exercise it at all | #addiction #appraisal #attention #inhibition #psychology #selfcontrol #situation #strength #willpower
Accept it: your self-control is weak. You’re more likely…
psyche.coStrong #Effort Manipulations Reduce Response #Caution: A Preregistered Reinvention of the Ego-Depletion Paradigm | #control #egodepletion #inhibition
Subscription and open access journals from SAGE Publishing,… behavioral #inhibition predicts #personality and social outcomes three decades later | #adults #behavior #child #psychology
Children show different temperamental styles early…
www.pnas.orgThe #heritability of self-control: A meta-analysis | #behavior #cognition #inhibition #selfcontrol
Halluciner le monde : comment notre cerveau recrée le monde | #bayes #bestof #biais #circuits #circulaire #cognition #computationnelle #DMN #inférence #inhibition #intégration #modélisation #neurones #neuroscience #perception #psychatrie #psychologie #SN
Mettons nous tous à nu! Sinon, les capitalistes continueront d'exploiter le corps nu! ;-p #naturisme #inhibition #réligion #manipulation #censure