Xavier Ashe :donor:

I couldn't find my lock pick set and needed to get into my safe. Not like the #Sentry fire safe is a challenge... But still felt good to #MacGyver the shit out of it.
#lockpick #lockpicking

Hees Daman :dancing_banana:

@ErikSchouten73 Bottom left was my very first #lockpick set… 😢

But it wasn’t very good.

NosirrahSec 🏴‍☠️

I gotta thank @TOOOL for this huge win (for me!) today.

I was gifted a practice set of picks and the practice locks with levels last Christmas and I've "mastered" 1-4 to the point they're trivial. (I don't know how many there are total lol)

I'm at a friend's business and they lost the key to a room they really need to get into, so I offered to give it a shot. I didn't have my picks with me, so I used those little 1/16ths and 1.4mm screwdrivers to pick the lock in a little under 5 minutes.

Couldn't have done it without that practice set and constant practice all year in meetings using it like a fidget toy!

#lockpicking #lockpick

BSidesChicago Oct 31-Nov 1 2025!!

Super excited that our #LockPick Village this year will be hosted by
@LockEx !! All kinds of fun will be had by all! #BSidesChicago #hacking #infosec #infosecurity #locks Join us Friday, Nov 10th at the


You know, just one of those days. Cleaning up the garage. Find an electric #lockpick.

AndrewMohawk :verified:

This is awesome!
RT @Fox_Pick
First official preview of how PicTacToe works! Watch my 12 yrold niece in purple against my sister in red and yellow! #PicTacToe #LockPick


TONIGHT @ 11pm EST join #DCG201 Co-Founder & #TOOOL Member @Sidepocket for The Master Of Unlocking 🔓 taking look at this bizarre high-security lock from #MIWALOCK donated by @nite0wl!

Watch on #Twitch, #YouTube @odyseeteam, @peertube & @torproject: linktt.ee/defcon201

#lockpicking #locksport #lockpick #bypass #security #physicalsecurity @defcon @DCGVR

Xavier Ashe :donor:

@c0nsid3rate Looks like #Toool is sold out of their practice locks, but I've seen plenty of clear locks on Amazon.

If you try to avoid Amazon like I do, here are some sites I know are legit.

Good starter gear: lockpickworld.com/collections/

More advanced: redteamtools.com/progressive-p

Great kit, especially if you are going to take to a meetup or conference: covertinstruments.com/collecti

#lockpick #lockpicking #locksport

Lock Pick Practice Sets


People with knowledge of locks, advice needed.

An elderly relative is thinking about getting a key safe in case someone needs to get in to help them.

How safe are keysafes? This would be mounted on the outside wall near their front door.

I know no solution is perfect, but it would be nice to know roughly how reliable these kinds of things are.

#AskFedi #Locks #Keys #LockPick #LockPicking #Security