Flame Soulis

Hmm... Funny how the only trending feature request that isn't tracked is the one that basically says, "Please remove a harmful feature." Not good... #secondlife #metaverse #feedback #AI

Michael Martine

Pulling together the #shownotes in preparation for Monday’s posting of e504 in #ChapelHill while listening to #Chicago for @gamesatwork_biz with @michaelrowe01 and @andypiper. Stories and discussion on #vibecoding #AI, #biocomputing, #philosophy, #Digg, #MWC25 and more! Check out earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on gamesatwork.biz

Flame Soulis

439 votes for the AI removal feedback. Let's go! #SecondLife #AI #metaverse #vote


"Leaderboard leaders buying followers like it’s Black Friday. Meanwhile, #lowfollowgang is out here grinding for real connections. Let’s show them what authenticity looks like. Retweet if you’re tired of the fakes. #AI #Metaverse"


"Leaderboard leaders buying followers like it’s Black Friday. Meanwhile, #lowfollowgang builds real connections. Who’s the real winner here? 🧐 #AI #Metaverse"

Samuel Lison :lagr_elephant:

@jupiter_rowland yeah, that is a shame indeed. But luckily, since it is the #Metaverse, and I decided to #SelfHost my server, it is as simple as changing the grid address and I will be back online on another grid! :)

Jupiter Rowland

OSgrid is offline effective last night and until further notice; CW: long (almost 2,700 characters), Fediverse meta, non-Mastodon Fediverse mta

OSgrid is offline again. Not for a few hours or so like just about everyday for quite a while now. This time, it was closed for maintenance for the foreseeable future.

The asset server is in such a bad state now that each crash and restart caused more assets to break. Yesterday, OSgrid reached a state in which it was no longer even possible to save inventories as IARs as they all ended up corrupt. So instead of closing the grid on March 21st to wipe the asset server clean, they had to pull the plug immediately.

One could say this means that lots of OSgrid users who wanted to wait until the last moment to save their stuff have lost lots of content. I say they've probably lost it already before the grid closure because chances are it was already broken at that point.

Seriously, the last time I've logged my OSgrid alt in, and that was last week, almost none of his attachments worked. No body. No hair. No glasses. Etc. I had to unpack replacements for some of the items from boxes which happened to still be intact, but for adjusted or modified items, I had to send in another "me" to deliver replacements right into OSgrid.

Now the OSgrid staff say they want to "completely rebuild the assets in a new format". At first glance, this reads like they no longer want to wipe the asset server and fix the assets themselves instead. But seriously, they've tried that for years. To less than no avail as we can see now. More assets are geb0rkt than not.

I myself rather think they've already started wiping it, and they simply want to change the way the assets are stored. And that's although OSgrid has switched to Avination-coined fsasset after the RAID failure in 2014 and the eight-month data rescue timeout until 2015. But that was almost a decade ago, and you can only change so much on an asset server in a running grid with assets on it.

Basically, instead of just resetting the asset server, they're going to tear it down and rebuild it. After all, they're still hoping for most residents (those who were active recently anyway) to return and bring their stuff back (what parts of it aren't broken anyway).

Most other grids would have called it quits at this point. And seriously, OSgrid was the first public OpenSim grid, it's the oldest grid (launched in 2007), and it's one of only two remaining grids from the 2000s (the other one is AnSky from 2008). It's probably a question of honour for OSgrid to carry on against all odds.

On a more positive note on decentralised stuff, Netzgemeinde seems to work again.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #OSgrid

It's famously easy to dunk on the Metaverse, and Ryan George does a great job of it in this video;


But he also makes an insightful point, worth repeating. Many technologies that are now part of everyday work and play began as digital toys, ruthlessly mocked by people who were adults when they came out.


#WebVideo #RyanGeorge #Metaverse

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original…

Mar 03, 2025, 04:27 · · · 0 · 0
Samuel Lison :lagr_elephant:

Today I wrote an article about the #Metaverse and my first week back working on coding my own survival game project within #OpenSimulator.

Come check out my article on my corner of the interwebs on my #Indieweb website.

Let me know what you think!


My Week in the Metaverse - Samuel Lison

While I have been a member of both the SecondLife…

Jupiter Rowland

Lots of simultaneous in-world events today; CW: long (over 700 characters)

Today is one of those days on which simply too much happens in the Hypergrid at the same time.

There's the World Zero Discrimination Day event in ZetaWorlds which starts in a bit over an hour and a half.

There's the grand opening of OpenSim World's Fair in the Wolf Territories.

There's an unlisted St. David's Day Dance on the Welsh sim Redoutable in Speculoos Grid.

Not to mention a whole lot of more or less regular events.

Maybe we'll do some event hopping today.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Hypergrid #VirtualEvent #ZetaWorlds #WolfTerritories #WolfTerritoriesGrid #WolfGrid #WTGrid #Speculoos #OpenSimWorldsFair #StDavidsDay #DyddGwylDewiHapus #ZeroDiscriminationDay

NOBODY, no matter who and where, has reason to be proud of “their” country! EVERY nation is dirty! Let's just remember the slave trade, colonization, world wars, ... FOR WHAT?! Just to make some WiXXER even richer!!! We're putting an end to that now. Even if it's the last thing we (can) do.


Bluesky Social
Michael Martine

Pulling together the #shownotes in preparation for Monday’s posting of e502 in #ChapelHill for @gamesatwork_biz with @michaelrowe01 while @andypiper is at #RubyJam. Stories and discussion on #AI (#career recommendations, #Humane pins & software, leporine (#Rabbit) #Agents and game generation), #Books (#DRM, #ePub and paper) and more! Check out earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on gamesatwork.biz


"#Meta's Awful ‘Horizon Worlds’ Ad Helps Explain $70 Billion #Metaverse Loss"

OMG y'all, this is comically atrocious. I mean, it's not even as good as #SecondLife, despite coming ~20 years and $70bn (!!) later.

This is so bad, my peeps. I mean, horribly, laughably bad.


Meta’s Awful ‘Horizon Worlds’ Ad Helps Explain $70 Billion Metaverse Loss

The following is a new ad for Horizon Worlds, and it's…

Jeder :mastodon: :nonazis:

Ja, ich weiß. Da sind alle, ohne geht es nicht, wohin denn sonst, ich würde ja - aber die anderen......
Was braucht es denn noch?

*Facebook und Co. 'wir holen uns Hilfe von #Trump, wenn die EU aufmuckt'*


#Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #Metaverse

Michael Martine

Pulling together the #shownotes in #ChapelHill during #SNL50 for @gamesatwork_biz in preparation for Monday’s posting of e501. Stories and discussion all about outsourcing intelligence to #AI, protecting your #data after #death, #AR #glasses, #backdoors and more! Check out earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on gamesatwork.biz

heise online

heise+ | Erotik in VRChat: Lapdance und Poledance in der VR-Brille ausprobiert

VR-Dance-Clubs bringen erotische Tänzerinnen und Tänzer direkt ins Wohnzimmer. Wir beleuchten die Möglichkeiten und Probleme.


#Metaverse #VRBrillen #news