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What if an animal sees itself and doesn't care? I'm looking at you cats. Cats tend to be olfactory too, if it sees itself in the mirror, but no scent then perhaps it just doesn't care? If cats see anything that isn't a reward or a threat, do they ever react? I'm not sure the mirror should be the gold standard.
#intelligence #selfawareness #mirrortest #animalintelligence
A ‘Self-Aware’ Fish Raises Doubts About a Cognitive Test
A report that a fish can pass the “mirror test” for…
getpocket.comCleaner wrasse check their body size in mirror before deciding whether to fight
#Fish #MirrorTest #science
#biology #AnimalBehavior
An Osaka Metropolitan University-led team has demonstrated…
phys.orgOn the importance of ecologically relevant protocols when studying animal cognition. The chicken passed a cleverly modified version of the mirror test for self-recognition.
#Science #Biology #AnimalBehaviour #Cognition #MirrorTest #Bird #Chicken #Rooster
Hillemacher et al (2023) Roosters do not warn the bird in the mirror: The cognitive ecology of mirror self-recognition. PLoS ONE 18:e0291416
A study finds that at least some species of ants are self aware and pass the mirror test.
#psychology #animals #ants #mirrorTest #social #intelligence
Mirror, mirror, in the snow, who’s the prettiest penguin of them all?
It's #NationalPenguinAwarenessDay in the US, so we're sharing a recent story about wild Adélie penguins that might be self-aware.
#Penguins #Mirror #MirrorTest #AdeliePenguins #Intelligence #SelfAwareness #Antarctica
Wild Adélie penguins respond to their own reflection,…
Hakai MagazineThe ability to recognize its own image in a #mirror is a famous test to explore #conscientiousness in animals. It is still a contentious issue among biologists and psychologists, and there is a vivid debate about the existence of such advance cognitive skills in #fish. A new paper respond to previous methodological criticisms. #science #biology #cognition #animalbehaviour #wrasse #mirrortest #selfrecognition Kohda et al (2022) PLoS Biology 20:e3001529
Interesting article on applying the mirror test for self-awareness on a fish. Article includes comments by Gordon Gallup (who thought up the original mirror test). Looks like self-awareness as revealed by the mirror test isn't a binary thing.
#MirrorTest #SelfAwareness #Research #Animals #Cognition
A report that a fish can pass the “mirror test” for…