Max Lab UW Seattle

📣 🥁 🚨Tuesday Dec 10, 2 pm PT,
Elise LeBovidge presents her PhD dissertation "Sensory modulation during speech movement planning in stuttering and nonstuttering adults"
Follow live via Zoom:

#speech #MotorControl #stuttering #PhD

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Max Lab UW Seattle

We'll post a reminder later, but here is your first announcement that Elise LeBovidge's doctoral dissertation defense on motor-to-sensory influences during speech movement planning in typical and stuttering speakers will be live on Zoom on Dec 10 at 2 pm Pacific Time!

#PhDDefense #Speech #MotorControl #Movement #Stuttering #SensoriMotor #auditory #SLP

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Max Lab UW Seattle

Interested in speech motor control? Check out the "virtual version" of our postdoc Daria D'Alessandro's poster for the upcoming ASHA convention here in Seattle. There are buttons to listen to Daria's narration and to send questions and comments!

In sensorimotor adaptation experiments with speech and perturbed auditory feedback, some participants "follow" the perturbation rather than adapting to it. That's what this poster is all about.


#ASHA #speech #MotorControl

asha (iPosterSessions - an aMuze! Interactive system)
Nov 23, 2024, 21:00 · · · 0 · 0
Likely Jan Lukas

That said, when my joints are flaring, my hands may be able to make fine *motions* but not control fine motor movements with a pen or pencil.

Despite occasional bouts of promising skills sketching or doing caligraphy, most of my life, I have relied on keyboards and mice to write and draw.

I've treasured the occasional periods where I *could* write by hand, but mostly I can't.



Joel Snyder

Posting on behalf of my colleagues on the editorial board of JEP:HPP.

Call for Papers: Perspectives on Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

Important dates:
Letter of intent submission deadline: June 15, 2024

Invited manuscript submission deadline: Sept 15, 2024

Jelena Ristic

In 2025, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance will celebrate its 50th birthday. This is a momentous occasion for the journal which continues to serve as a pillar of the field of experimental psychology and cognitive psychology/neuroscience. Indeed, some of the most important and pioneering findings have been published in JEP: HPP and have in many ways shaped how we think about cognition today.

To mark this occasion, in addition to invited updated reviews on several of the most cited JEP:HPP papers and perspectives of the editors, we are also inviting you, the readers, to send us your perspectives on JEP: HPP.

We are interested in receiving proposals for 1,000-word Perspective articles from JEP: HPP readers (who may also be authors) on the topic(s) of how an article, a series of articles, or general ideas published in JEP: HPPhave shaped/changed/influenced their research or academic development. We are also interested in receiving proposals on topics other than these, for instance concerning the various roles JEP: HPP can play for the next 50 years.

We aim to start publishing the Perspectives quarterly in 2025.

If you are interested in contributing a Perspective, let us know by June 15, 2024, by writing to the Associate Editor Jelena Ristic at (with “Perspective proposal” in the subject line). Please include the proposed topic and a brief outline for your proposed article.

#psychology #perception #visual #auditory #motorcontrol #psychologicalscience #experimentalpsychology #neuroscience

Haelus Novak

I need to read more about ASD and motor control. I've long struggled with clumsy hands and sudden jerky movements. I used to think it might be MS or something, before I heard that it can be an ASD thing. Same thing with not tipping over when walking.

#AuDHD #ASD #ADHD #balance #motorcontrol

Max Lab UW Seattle

Sharing this announcement of a postdoc position in speech motor control at the GIPSA lab in France. #postdoc #MotorControl #speech

Alessandro D'Ausilio

#NewPaperNeuro #neuroscience #motorcontrol

So glad to announce a new paper entitled "The microstructure of intra- and interpersonal coordination" by Giovanni Nazzaro, Marco Emanuele, Julien Laroche, Chiara Esposto, Luciano Fadiga, Me, and Alice Tomassini

Here we follow a new line of research on sub-movements, i.e. recurrent speed pulses (2-3 Hz), which perhaps reflect intermittent feedback-based motor adjustments.

Our previous work has shown that sub-movements are non-trivially coordinated between interacting individuals. This potentially opens a new window into the implicit mechanics of behavioural co-ordination (link below).

The new study investigates whether submovement coordination is organised differently between and within individuals in a series of bimanual tasks alone or in pairs, with or without visual feedback.

We conclude that the microstructure of movement reveals common principles governing the dynamics of sensorimotor control to achieve both intra- and interpersonal coordination.

New paper:

Old one:

Max Lab UW Seattle

Oh hey former lab members Nick Kitchen (now at Penn State) and Kwang Seob Kim ( @kwangskim , now at Purdue) sent us a picture from #SfN #SfN23 #SfN2023. Look for their posters and chat with them about #MotorControl for speech and limb movements!

Alessandro D'Ausilio

I am pleased to announce that we have finally come to the conclusion of a work begun a long time ago.

It is a historical review of human motor invariants in action execution. The article contains more than 350 references and is followed by 7 comments from esteemed colleagues (+ our response).

In essence, it contains all the context and background to understand why we believe that action perception is fundamentally constrained by the way we plan and produce actions.

#neuroscience #motorcontrol #neurophysiology #history

Alessandro D'Ausilio

It amazes me when I see neurotechnological solutions that allow fundamental questions to be answered in a completely new way.

Here is a recent Neuron paper:

An extract:
"...novel approaches, including long-term underwater neural recording in freely swimming fish, to examine a substantially more complex (and realistic) version of the reafference cancellation problem in the active electrosensory system. Our data and modeling suggest that the cerebellum-like circuitry of the ELL [electrosensory lobe] achieves reafference cancellation by combining motor-related signals with environmental information derived from spatially distributed electrosensory input, providing insight into the longstanding question of how forward models are implemented by cerebellar circuitry."

#neuroscience #motorcontrol #neurophysiology @neuroscience

An internal model for canceling self-generated sensory input in freely behaving electric fish - PubMed

Internal models that predict the sensory consequences…
Magdalena Gippert

Our paper "Prior movement of one arm facilitates motor adaptation in the other" is out @ #JNeurosci.

We show that the direction of a prior movement of the other arm is an effective cue to allow adaptation to interfering force fields. The brain seems to use kinematic information in learned sequences involving different body parts to adjust movements of the same sequence.

Also our data is pretty.

#motorlearning #motorcontrol #motoradaptation @sensorymotor @neuroscience

Chris Rodgers

Love these little guys playing soccer

(How do I embed a video in a post?)

The obligatory "person pushing the robot over" video is also up there but I always find those kind of sad
#robot #neuroscience #motorcontrol

OP3 Soccer