
My cousin, her fiance, her two girls, my wife and myself will be heading on vacation right after Memorial Day it seems.

Looks like we're going back to Myrtle Beach, SC for about 5 days to enjoy the sun and the beach and some family time together.

We'll be staying in a condo at the Grand Shores resort on the right in this picture.

Excited to get enjoy some time away for a few days.

#Vacation #Resort #Condo #Beach #MyrtleBeach #SC #BeachFrontView

Boston Managed IT

We're bringing the purr-fect blend of technology and compassion to Myrtle Beach! Hometown Vet Partners' new location is powered by Boston Managed IT's cloud solutions, ensuring seamless care for all your furry friends. #HometownVetPartners #MyrtleBeach #CloudVet #AnimalCare

Bill Kimler :verified:

I've not eaten at Hamburger Joe's, but the burgers at Buffalo Grill in #GreenwoodSC are some of the finest I've ever experienced!

#MyrtleBeach #SouthCarolina #burgers
Hamburger Joe’s in North Myrtle Beach named state’s best place to eat a cheeseburger

Mike Reader

Columnist: What it means that two white strangers stopped me while I walked to the gas station

I knew someone was going to offer help because as much as racial hatred and violence are hallmarks of this place, so is everyday cross-racial common courtesy and kindness.

#scpol #SouthCarolina #HorryCounty #opinion #TheSouth #Southern #racism #DylanRoof #MyrtleBeach #AhmaudArbery #Davidson #Charleston #LowCountry #EmanuelAME #lynching #SCPOL #politics #racism #bigotry


First push of clouds from #hurricaneidalia into Beaufort, NC. Not an actual band but some offshore weather being pushed onshore by the bands just crossing through #myrtlebeach.

#today #ncwx #bftnc