These are public posts tagged with #neutron. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
The same approach to add multiples to my #eurorack #modulars can be also used to add multiples to semimodulars such as the #behringer #neutron (and similar eurorack compatible skiffs). I added small L brackets to the side screws, then mounted short standoffs, then finally mount the 3U module to the standoffs. #diy #studio #music #synth
SciTech Chronicles. . . . . . . . .Mar 3rd, 2025
#cortisol #testosterone #Turkana #non-industrialized #HoloVAM #hologram #millimeter-scale #HoloTile #batteries #chillers #peaker #local #amygdala #punishment #anger #GUSTO #Neutron #barge #composite #medium-lift
Some #sound #studio timeline updates. I've added an LED strip to the back of the table, started setting up three cameras for recordings and later live streams. And two pics of a bunch of synths (#MicroFreak, #minilogue_xd, #dfam, #neutron and a few others) that I'll use soon™.
Rocket Lab a dévoilé des images des tests sur la coiffe de son nouveau lanceur #Neutron : les 2 moitiés restent attachées au premier étage du Neutron, s'ouvrent pour laisser passer le 2e étage et la charge utile, avant de se refermer et rentrer sur Terre pour réutilisation.
Vidéo :
October 8, 2024 #RocketLab will challenge the program to hit a
2028 launch window
December 2, 2024 #SpaceX would rely on #Starship. Canceling #MSR would open the door for #China
to become the first nation to return samples from #Mars
NASA has awarded a contract to Rocket Lab to study…
SpaceNews#DidYouKnow: A #Pulsar (from pulsating radio source) is a highly magnetized rotating #Neutron #Star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles.
The periods of pulsars make them very useful tools for astronomers. In 1983, certain types of pulsars were detected that at that time exceeded the accuracy of atomic clocks in keeping time.
The first #PulsarClock in the world was installed in St Catherine's Church, Poland, in 2011.
Le pas de tir du lanceur #Neutron à Wallops en Virginie est en train de prendre forme avec une partie du support de lancement et l'installation du déluge d'eau
Rocket Lab
The cost of a #NewGlenn (45 tons) launch will be about $67 million . Elon Musk says that a #Starship (150 tons) launch would cost only $10 million
. #RocketLab is targeting the price of a #Neutron (13 tons) launch to be $50 million. #GwynneShotwell noted that 400 Starships will launch
in the next four years
Scientists just found a mind-boggling object in deep space - "scientists just found an extreme example of a #neutron star spinning faster than a blender: 716 times per second." #space
It's extraordinarily dense and fast.
Mashable#OnThisDay Birth Anniversary of James Chadwick (1891) - British physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the #Neutron.
Today is World #StatisticsDay and World #Osteoporosis Day.
Neutronen: Rätsel um Lebensdauer gelöst? Ein noch unentdeckter angeregter Zustand könnte Diskrepanzen bei den Messungen erklären. #Neutron #Teilchenphysik #Neutronen #Atomkern #Physik
Materiebaustein mit Geheimnissen: Schon seit gut 30…
scinexx | Das WissensmagazinWie groß ist die stärkste aller Grundkräfte, die Atomkerne… The inscrutable “ghost particles” driving scientists crazy
Occasionally, heavy atomic #nuclei spontaneously transform, with either #neutron converting into #proton or vice-versa, known as #betadecay. But #electrons never came out of nucleus with same energy; always little different. Something had to sap energy away from electron in a random way to explain this. Eventually, that particle got a name, the neutrino, an Italian word meaning “little neutral one.”
Sir Peter Beck unplugged: “Transporter can do it for free for all we care” - Enlarge / Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck speaks during the opening of the ne... - #peterbeck #rocketlab #science #neutron #spacex #space
"Look, there's no accidental monopoly. They are a ruthless…
Ars TechnicaAnd just like that, after a bunch of missteps, I have unfolded my first distribution. It was a "closure test", meaning I knew what had been generated so I would know if I unfolded the data correctly or not. But that is always the first test: get back what you put in.
Next step: more "realistic" scenarios in the simulation while I wait for my collaborators to complete the full blown simulation work that is ultimately needed.
Taylor Swift as an hypermagnetized neutron star
#TaylorSwift #astrophysics #Swifties #neutron #star #neutronstar #magnetar #physics #astronomy #astrodon #meme #science #memes #sciencememes #space #STEM
Physiker entdecken neue Bindungsform bei Neutronen. Erster Nachweis "neutronischer Moleküle" aus Neutronen und Nanokristallen. #Neutron #Teilchenphysik #Bindung #Neutronen
Überraschende Entdeckung: Anders als gedacht können…