
Let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the octopuses:

#Octopuses have some of the oldest known #sexChromosomes
New research at the UO shows they’ve been using one that’s been around for 480 million years

eurekalert.org/news-releases/1 #science #evolution #chromosomes #genome #sexDetermination #cephalopods

Octopuses have some of the oldest known sex chromosomes

University of Oregon researchers have identified a…

Nat Oleander

Every time I've eaten octopus I'm like "I feel bad eating such an intelligent animal" and I imagine in another universe there are octopuses sitting around eating humans saying the same thing

#octopus #octopuses #octopodes #intelligence #animalintelligence

anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖

Help to Stop Octopus Farming

I have narrated a beautiful and powerful animation about #OctopusFarming with my #PlantBasedTreaty friends.

Inspired by #Greenpeace 's A Monster in My Kitchen, Plant Based Treaty's talented animator #HoshimiSakai shows us the frightening reality of the millions of #octopuses destined to suffer if the multinational corporation #Pescanova is granted a permit to build the world's first octopus #FactoryFarm.



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Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original…

Dec 05, 2024, 15:08 · · · 4 · 0

Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australasia by Mark Norman & Amanda Reid, 2020

The Australasian region is home to the greatest diversity of cephalopods — squid, cuttlefish, octopuses — in the world. Yet, we know very little about these fascinating marine animals. This book provides insights into the biology and behaviour of more than 60 species.




My Octopus Teacher (2020)

A filmmaker forges an unusual friendship with an octopus living in a South African kelp forest, learning as the animal shares the mysteries of her world.



Benjamin Carr, Ph.D. 👨🏻‍💻🧬

Punching #Octopuses Lead #Fish on Hunting Parties
Octopuses and fish are routinely seen working together on the #ocean floor,. When an #octopus found an interesting crevice in the #coral or rock, it would cover the crack with its body, trying to capture any prey inside. The octopus’s hunting was more efficient when it was traveling with fish partners: It checked out fewer crevices, but spent more time at each one, suggesting it was finding prey to slurp up

Chuck Darwin

In the waters of the Red Sea, #fish and #octopuses are forming an unlikely alliance:
💥They’re joining forces to track down prey, establishing a hunting operation that’s potentially more effective than either creature working alone.

With the octopus leading the charge, fish scout for hidden prey and signal where to capture a smaller fish or mollusk.
🔥But if freeloading fish are hovering around, looking to benefit from the hunt without contributing, the octopus punches them away, according to new research.

⭐️“The octopus basically works as the decider of the group,” Eduardo Sampaio, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and lead author of the study, tells Nature News’ Helena Kudiabor.
The study, published on Monday in Nature Ecology & Evolution, brought a new type of collective behavior to light. Octopuses, often thought of as solitary creatures, led a group of various species of fish and discerned which ones were and weren’t helping


Watch Octopuses Team Up With Fish to Hunt—and Punch Those That Don't Contribute

The collaboration across species reveals a surprising…

Yoshimatsu ✅🇺🇸 🇺🇦

"How ‘Secrets of the Octopus’ Shows the Beauty, Intelligence, and Alien Charm of Octopuses"

I've eaten #octopuses (octopi?) since I was a child but, as I grow older, I sometimes question what I'm killing. Life is hard enough without facing such deep questions.


How 'Secrets of the Octopus' Shows the Beauty, Intelligence, and Alien Charm of Octopuses

So different and yet so much like us.

Alexander J. Stein

#Farming octopuses for their #meat would be cruel & inhumane. They can plan ahead, identify & remember humans individually, and solve complex tasks; #octopuses have different sleep phases, one deep & one with increased bodily activity, i.e. they may dream: e360.yale.edu/features/octopus

Octopuses Are Highly Intelligent. Should They Be Farmed for Food?

A Spanish company is aiming to factory farm octopuses…

anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖

A company in #Spain has a plan to torture a million #octopuses per year – by raising them in crowded tanks and then killing them by putting them in icy water, which causes a slow, stressful death.

The company knows octopuses are highly intelligent and feel pleasure, pain, joy and fear, but this is their way of turning a huge #profit. Now they’re being slammed by #scientists and the #media – and if enough of us add to the pressure right now we can stop them.



Stop the world's first octopus farm!

A company in Spain has a plan to torture a million…

Mar 12, 2024, 10:18 · · · 42 · 0

Females octopuses have eight tentacles, while the males only have seven and one specialized appendage for mating called a hectocotylus.

#science #sciencefacts #octopus #octopuses #octopi #hectocotylus

(and just to fuel the debate, both 'octopuses' and 'octopi' are accepted plurals for octopus)