These are public posts tagged with #publishorperish. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Among the World’s Top Researchers 10% Publish At Unrealistic Levels, Analysis Finds
-- <-- shared article
-- <-- shared paper
[again, not my usual fare but interesting… the cartoon was added as a bit of facetious fun...]
#papers #publishing #research #publishorperish #metrics #fraud #retractions #academic #researchers #implausible #author #coauthor #newcomers #anomalous #metrics #inflation #career #quality #academia #unrealistic
@Mela @petersuber I blame to the lack of good formation on philosophy of research and epistomology. Besides the #publishorperish culture
Research Integrity & the Future of Scientific Publishing
Heliox: Where Evidence Meets Empathy (E3 S6)
There's a crisis in scientific publishing that most people don't know about, but it affects everyone who relies on medical research, technological advancement, or scientific progress.
#OpenScience #ScienceIntegrity #PeerReview #ResearchCulture #PublishOrPerish #SciComm #EthicalScience
Hey again, Fediverse scientists! Are you a science sleuth or do you happen to know one? I would need a bit of help to investigate some dubious journals.
I'm looking forward to have an expert opinion. If you want to contribute please write a private message to me! Thanks in advance
Zo, eerste paper van 2025 is accepted #publishorperish
FFS work toward fixing the damn publishing system, rather than picking on a pirating site created to address this issue. But hey, the authors got one for their record, bumping that h-index.
I'm tired of such "hot takes/studies" which do not contribute in any way to a solution and are pure mental academic gymnastics.
85 percent of invalid papers continue to be shared…
Ars TechnicaWe've just received a desk rejection.
Good news: academic life can only improve in 2025
Is an academic career right for YOU? Test yourself. Prepare yourself. Cite yourself. #PublishOrPerish #academia #phd #indiegamedev
The authors in [4] on this threat for #science: "It is important not to present this as a technical problem that exists only because of #AI text generators but to relate it to the wider concerns in which it is embedded" e.g.
- "a largely dysfunctional scholarly #publishing system"
- "academia’s “#PublishOrPerish” paradigm"
- "Google’s near-monopoly"
- "ideological battles over the control of #information and ultimately #knowledge" [4]
Question for the Academics: What is your favorite weapon for increasing your h-index? #PublishOrPerish #academia #phd #indiegamedev
Always good to reduce #PublishOrPerish pressure for PhD programs (a huge time and money sink which decimates everyone's mental health) but the focus on "top journals" isn't particularly reassuring.
The University of Helsinki is making it easier to earn…
NewsPublish or perish? Innovative models for scholarly publishing in Zimbabwe
#MphoNgoepe #NomsaChirisa #PublishorPerish #ScholarlyPublishing #ScientificCommunication #Zimbabwe
I've backed "Publish or Perish: A Humorous Party Game about Academia" and, trust me, you should too
“More often than not, preregistration makes people realize that their thoughtful plans don’t pan out when faced with the cold hard reality of data collection.”
Geez McGeez, you are working with people / natural systems. Reproducibility is dead without academic humility, pre-registration or not.
A paper by some of the biggest names in scientific…
www.nature.comAgain, faculty could find other ways of dick measuring (oops, scholarly productivity and job), but here we are.
> The ‘publish or perish’ mentality is fuelling research paper retractions – and undermining science
Publications drive university rankings and career progression.…
The Conversation> The Prestige Factor Propping Up Academic Publishers
Bottom line is as long as faculty keep choosing #PublishOrPerish as their way to measure a scholar the publishers will have the leverage. They could change this, but it might mean, "damn, if I had to publish or perish, so will you fuck damn it and like it" would need to, well, perish.
But I am not a "real" faculty member nor do I play one on TV.
A federal antitrust lawsuit against a group of megapublishers…
www.insidehighered.com6 major academic publishers face antitrust lawsuit
"The #lawsuit alleges that the six #academicpublishers have formed a “cartel” through STM, of which they are all members. Members agree to follow STM’s policies, which state that peer review is “volunteer work” and that researchers cannot submit their manuscripts to more than one journal at a time or freely share their work under review, according to the lawsuit."
The defendants, including Elsevier and Wiley, have…[veille] "La pression pour publier et être cité est préjudiciable au comportement des scientifiques” =>
#IA #fraudescientifique #ChatGPT #GenAI #researchdata #data #science #googlescholar #search #slowscience #misconduct #publishORperish
Jusqu’à quel point l’intelligence artificielle générative…
Mais où va le Web