
Have an existing #python project that was setup using #pyenv and decided to migrate it to #uv. It doesn't help that I have 4 different virtual environment references and needed to build some of the libraries. Although the uv documentation has some examples on how to do it, there were a lot of bad practices on my side that I had to iron out.

atareao 🦀🐍🐋🐧

671 - Descubre la herramienta que cambiará como usas Python

#uv es la herramienta perfecta para gestionar proyectos y dependencias de #python y que viene a sustituir a #pip #poetry #pyenv #virtualenv y otras

Como ya te he comentado en mas de una ocasión, la llegada de Rust, está suponiendo una auténtica revolución. Los desarrolladores apoyados en Rust se ha

#atareaoConLinux #podcastesp

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original…
Kevin Bowen :xfce:

Use #pyenv but only the CPython releases?

A bash alias to filter on the latest, supported versions:

alias pyenv_list='pyenv install --list | grep -E " 3\.([9]|1[0-4])"'



I know, I know, I'm late to the party

#UV is awesome 🚀

#Python #Tools #DevEx #PyEnv


After programming a good 2 months in #python finally found the tool #poetry which is quite similar to how #nodejs bundles libraries into a directory either locally or globally in the cache directory.

I have tried the other tools from #pyenv to #venv and/or #virtualenv. Where I thought they were used to deal with library dependency management only to realize that they are more like #nvm.

I did use #conda for some time, though preferred a python only solution. I do realize that poetry won't resolve all issues and might need to look into to containerization later on, though for the time period it looks like a good solution.


After programming a good 2 months in #python finally found the tool #poetry which is quite similar to how #nodejs bundles libraries into a directory either locally or globally in the cache directory.

I have tried the other tools from #pyenv to #venv and/or #virtualenv. Where I thought they were used to deal with library dependency management only to realize that they are more like #nvm.

I did use #conda for some time, though preferred a python only solution. I do realize that poetry won't resolve all issues and might need to look into to containerization later on, though for the time period it looks like a good solution.

KMJ 🇦🇹

finally got #StableDiffusion running on #Debian #Sid with #Python312 without installing #pyenv

Clément Robert :python:

Update: #astraluv 0.5.9 solves this problem ! This means I can (almost) use uv everywhere in my workflows. The only remaining exceptions are #Python debug builds, pre-releases and versions older than 3.8, all of which I can still get through #pyenv !

Felix 🇨🇦 🇩🇪 🇺🇦

Just tried the #uv #Python management tool. At first I thought: Oh no, not another Python package manager. But this one seems different. It combines all the pip-tools, #pyenv, #poetry, #virtualenv, etc in one.
And it's damn fast. This likely will stay with me for a while.


Okay, I got my coding tools sorted out on both my #windows half and my #archlinux half now.

So far that consists of #rustup (for #rustlang vers), #gcc, and #pyenv (for #python vers).

...I'm *not* sure if I should look into a version manager for #nodejs or #php just yet, since that affects the web dev stuff I do on the side.

Andrea Grandi 🦕

3.13 not found on #pyenv

All right, I guess I will have to wait (yes, I did upgrade pyenv already) 🤷🏻‍♂️



Out of curiosity about the implementation of #pyenv's shim layer, I went on a bit of a dive to see which internal calls it makes to its own components.

It's a surprisingly intricate chain: 21 execve()s between me and starting the #Python runtime:

Process chain running a minimal Python program via `pyenv`

Process chain running a minimal Python program via…
Zhian N. Kamvar

So the solution apparently was to burn it all down and use #pyenv (which apparently Mastodon wants to autocorrect to "peen"?!)

rye self uninstall --yes
brew install pyenv
brew install xz
pyenv install 3.11
pyenv global 3.11
# BASH config for pyenv stuff

#python #Mac

Jonathan Kamens

I just released a new version of one of the open-source packages I maintain (, discovered a few minutes later when attempting to deploy the update from PyPI to my server that I used a Python construct that is only valid in 3.11+, and had to release a new version with a fix a few minutes later. D'oh!
To prevent this from happening again, I've installed pyenv so that I can test new releases on all supported Python major versions.
#FOSS #Python #pyenv #CoalMine

GitHub - quantopian/coal-mine: Coal Mine - Periodic task execution monitor

Coal Mine - Periodic task execution monitor. Contribute…
Bryan Redeagle

OpenSUSE MicroOS works pretty well for Python development. Pyenv is installed in the user home folder, and you can use Distrobox to build Python versions because your home folder is accessible in both places. It's surprisingly nice.

#OpenSUSE #python #pyenv


You won't believe it... After A TON of frustration, I have a #Python 's #Poetry & #Pyenv & #Django & #Apache2 deployed and showing me a Hello World.

DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ

I'm starting to "play" with it (on Debian Linux) and it's very practical : #PyEnv lets you have and manage several (virtualised) versions of #Python on your computer. Very good introduction by Logan Asher Jones :python: [ Article ] [ Git ]

Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv – Real Python

In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to…