These are public posts tagged with #RequirementsEngineering. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
"The majority of research around Large Language Models (LLM) application to software development has been on the subject of code generation. There is little literature on LLMs' impact on requirements engineering (RE), which deals with the process of developing and verifying the system requirements. Within RE, there is a subdiscipline of requirements elicitation, which is the practice of discovering and documenting requirements for a system from users, customers, and other stakeholders. In this analysis, we compare LLM's ability to elicit requirements of a software system, as compared to that of a human expert in a time-boxed and prompt-boxed study. We found LLM-generated requirements were evaluated as more aligned (+1.12) than human-generated requirements with a trend of being more complete (+10.2%). Conversely, we found users tended to believe that solutions they perceived as more aligned had been generated by human experts. Furthermore, while LLM-generated documents scored higher and performed at 720x the speed, their cost was, on average, only 0.06% that of a human expert. Overall, these findings indicate that LLMs will play an increasingly important role in requirements engineering by improving requirements definitions, enabling more efficient resource allocation, and reducing overall project timelines."
#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #RequirementsEngineering
How could it look like when a #BusinessAnalyst meets #AI
? Definitely not like this.
But you can find out at our next event in January
"AI for Better Requirements - A New Era for Business Analysts" - Three different short presentations on how #AI has shaped their way of work in a fantastic location and wrapped up with discussions & networking afterwards.
IIBA IREB #iiba #requirementsengineering #software
And follow us #BusinessAnalysts on #LinkedIn to get notified of upcoming events like
Christmas Market at 4th December 2025
#AI meets #RequirementsEngineering / #BusinessAnalysis in January 2025
#businessanalysis #vienna #software #requirementsengineering #iiba
IIBA Austria Chapter | 298 followers on LinkedIn. Community…
www.linkedin.comMy favourite productivity tools at the moment:
- #Vim for #programming
- #Logseq for getting organized
- #Gaphor for #RequirementsEngineering and #SystemModeling
Ich hoffe ja immer noch, dass #BusinessAnalyse ein Thema ist für Firmen.
Auch wenn es sowas wie #DesignThinking #UXDesign #DigitalDesignProfessional #requirementsengineering usw gibt, so find ich, dass das Thema der Business Analyse wichtig ist.
Im Grunde machen wir alle Business Analyse, egal in welcher Rolle.
Nein, BA ist definitiv keine Silver Bullet und Nein, BA kann nicht alles lösen.
**Agenda:** * 17:30 Einlass * 18:00 Beginn (kurzes…
www.meetup.comMaybe this is my new No. 1 episode of SE Radio (by IEEE). Karl Wiegers
and Candase Hokanson PMI- ACP about #businessanalysis and #requirementsengineering.
And traditional does not mean old-fashioned, agile and gantt can co-exist, waterfall and agile are not the only ways to run a project,... and many more take-aways. Fantastic!
„Verstehen Sie mich? oder mißverstehen Sie mich? Zwar, wenn Sie mich mißverstehn, das merken Sie selbst ja nicht.“ (Ida Dehmel an Julie Wolfthorn, Quelle: Dehmel-digital
Eine Erkenntnis, die man jeder Person, welche #RequirementsEngineering betreibt, ins Stammbuch schreiben muss.
No successful #softwaredevelopment and even no one shall mention #agile without proper beforehand #RequirementsEngineering trough sincere #CustomerCommunication and constant #FeedbackLoop
» But his advice is one I often repeat to my students:
take a sheet of paper, divide it into two columns, and as objectively as you can list the pluses and minuses of each place.
Then sleep on it and in the morning go with your gut feeling.«
In Memoriam: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
—Personal Recollections @SteveBellovin
A fuller #introduction.
My PhD was in software systems analysis: how to handle poorly understood, conflicting system requirements (#RequirementsEngineering)
This led me to explore socio-cognitive processes of large teams (#DistributedCognition, #STS, #Ethnography)
I have worked for NASA studying software safety for spacecraft (#FormalVerification, #OrganizationalBehaviour)
Now I study #ClimateModels + do #ClimateData analytics, using all the above, plus #SystemsThinking, #DataScience, & #ML
Here is my #introduction:
My name is Daniel Martens, I am a computer scientist developing and maintaining AI-enabled software systems that solve real world problems.
I do not treat AI as a panacea to all our problems, rather - due to my strong requirements and software engineering background - I am aware of the challenges, e.g., maintaining, such software systems brings.
Therefore, I am especially interested and like to exchange on the topic of #AppliedAI.
#artificialintelligence #AI #machinelearning #ML #datascience #softwareengineering #requirementsengineering
Am 23. März lernen Interessierte ihr Anforderungsmanagement…
www.heise.deAm 16. März lernen Interessierte alles, um ihr Anforderungsmanagement…
www.heise.deAm 9. März lernen Interessierte alles für eine erfolgreiche…
www.heise.deAm 2. März lernen Interessierte alles für ein erfolgreiches…
www.heise.deheise Developer präsentiert Eberhard Wolffs Videocast…
www.heise.dethis diagram was made in 2019
Am 28. September lernen Interessierte, wie sie Jira…