These are public posts tagged with #rorschachtest. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
GuMo! Heute gibt's den dicken Tintenfisch beim Cappuccino Rorschach-Test .
#cappuccino #rennradUndKaffee #rennradbubble #gutenmorgen #Rorschachtest
@freemo Having had experience in large organizations, it feels like you have a lot of confidence that certain things happen when they just don't. In engineering, we have tons of low-level company-wide procedures that I wouldn't imagine Sundar knows anything about, for example. You think someone like that reviews everything we do? I can tell you they do not.
In this particular example, I can see some mid-managers moving around between his companies and copying processes. I can easily see this kind of low-level detail, especially one you wanted to keep quiet, from being discussed in meetings with more sr. management. Probably happens all the time.
I do have a bias toward not assuming someone is racist without decent evidence, I guess; like I said #rorschachtest
What's the other mountain? I just claimed it was a mountain of trash with some evidence, do you have any other exceptions in mind? (you said earlier to someone else you weren't interested in this argument, so understood if you'd rather not.)
@freemo @mk @davidhmccoy @lowqualityfacts Oh so that's it? ok, well, I addressed that already; I guess agree to disagree #rorschachtest
@bontchev @matthew_d_green Expecting competency or rationality from the government of #Canada is something of a #RorschachTest
@grammargirl I saw a dead stick figure. #RorschachTest
#疲惫娇娃CyberPink 031
Seeing Ourselves in Barbie’s Rose-Tinted Mirror
#芭比 #Barbie #疲惫娇娃 #CyberPink #RorschachTest
What do you see in the dreck cloud?
This is an overlay of all 26 illustrations in my new novella #Dreck along with their mirror images. The symmetrical noise triggers #pareidolia, which gives conscious access to your subconscious.
#Artists, feel free to try this method out with any line art you may have on hand, and tag it #dreckCloud so I can find it!
#art #artwork #trippy #trippyArt #trippyArtwork #inkBlot #inkBlotTest #Rorschach #RorschachTest #dreampunk #dreampunkArt #books #bookstodon
This is from a photo I took at Prospect park #brooklyn. I applied several filters and effects then duplicated to create like a #rorschachtest. Looks a little surreal #art #artmatters #mastoart #DigitalArt
@sunset oooh oooh i see a wheat field!
I could stare at this all day:
alt: link to a gif of "pink noise" which looks like a trippy cloud
#hallucinations #RorschachTest #Rorschach #PinkNoise #visualization