Georgeeeeee 🐘 ++

一十一的媽媽叫做一二三 #SPEC 🤣


Введение в сборку RPM-пакетов в ОС «Альт» Linux: основы и первый пример

Сборка пакетов под различные дистрибутивы имеет свои особенности. Речь не только про отличия типов пакетов, но и про детали сборки в родственных по формату пакетов дистрибутивах. В этом материале изложен опыт сборки простого rpm-пакета в системе ALT Linux. Материал может быть удобен как справочная страница при изучении темы сборки rpm-пакета инструментом rpmbuild в ОС «Альт».

#linux #alt #alt_linux #rpm #rpmbuild #сборка_пакета #сборка_изображений #spec #спекфайл #альт

Введение в сборку RPM-пакетов в ОС «Альт» Linux: основы и первый пример

Сборка пакетов под различные дистрибутивы имеет свои…

Tommi 🤯

I just found out that the @ietf recently published JSContact yet another specification for storing contact data.

It’s super interesting, though, and I am falling down the rabbit hole of all the links and related information about this. 👀

One of the authors is Mario Loffredo, “First Technologist” of the Informatics and Telematics section of the Italian National Counsel for Research (CNR). 😲

It’s the first time I find an Italian in public sector research authoring a spec!

I just sent him a Linkedin connection request, even if I don’t even know why…

#JSContact #RFC9553 #IETF #vCard #VCF #contact #contacts #CardDAV #spec #specification

RFC 9553: JSContact: A JSON Representation of Contact Data

This specification defines a data model and JavaScript…

IETF Datatracker
Nov 18, 2024, 18:44 · · · 1 · 0

🔄 Revolutionary Linux Kernel Performance Breakthrough

🚀 #Intel's kernel test bot discovered massive 3888.9% performance improvement on #Linux #kernel
💻 Single-line code modification in memory management (mmap) delivers breakthrough
🔧 Fix addresses #THP alignment issues affecting anonymous mappings since December 2023
🎯 Optimization specifically benefits #Xeon Platinum (Cooper Lake) systems
📊 Resolves significant regressions in various benchmarks, including 600% slowdown in #SPEC #cactusBSSN
🔬 Patch maintains #THP benefits while eliminating performance penalties in specific workloads

Intel Spots A 3888.9% Performance Improvement In The Linux Kernel From One Line Of Code
Michael Simons

As usual, I prepped with the actual language #spec and the latest installment of #OCP study guide from @jeanneboyarsky and @selikoff.

The first time I took the exam was for Java 1.5, and after all this years, I still think it's a valuable one. No marketing fluff, no vendor crap, but really goes with you through the spec.

The Java® Language Specification
Abraham Samma🔬🔭👨‍💻

Currently doing a FHIR server workshop. Exciting to pour through labyrinthine specs designed by committee. 🥲 #spec #webdev #software #healthcare


I'm disappointed to see a fairly well-known and influential designer I follow go ALL IN on a pretty big spec work contest (from an entity that could 100% pay well for the project). They're producing a ton of great, thoughtful work and rallying their audience of designers to vote for them.

Such an unfortunate example to be making to the discipline 😔

#design #specwork #spec #branding #graphicdesign


@paul_ipv6 posted about #project managers, fanciful #schedules, and his response involving a Magic 8-Ball. It reminded me of a story I've told about one place I worked. I've never told it here.

I was working at a small-to-medium-sized IT/#software company that had a few internal products, but mostly did outsourced R&D work for a behemoth company - one of the largest on the planet at the time.

It was classic #waterfall planning. HugeCo's R&D department would send us a high-level #spec.



На алиэкспрессе нашел шоп спектрумиста. DIY наборы спеков, и всяких советских "Радио-РК86". В переводе на евро цены смешные.

#zx #spec #zxspectrum #diy #aliexpress

Adnan 🦙

Is it possible to #migrate from a non Mastodon instance to a Mastodon instance? Not asking if it is implemented. Just asking if it is part of the #ActivityPub #spec and therefore can be implemented. If not, is it a Mastodon specific thing? #fediverse

I got thinking about this since #Wildebeest was released without account migration.

M.C. Benner Dixon

I have a writer friend looking for #spec #mags that take short (#flash and longer) #sci-fi, #fantasy, #horror #submissions but who won’t ask them to limit #nonbinary and #neopronouns because they are “speed bumps” for readers. ☹️ What are your favorite nonbinary-friendly publications? #WritingCommunity

Gian Luca Dalla Torre :it:

@mtthgn @paul According to this PR for @icecubesapp:

It seems that #Pleroma is adhering to the #spec more than #Mastodon (#Mastodon accept data variable while #Pleroma want JSON) and it breaks login, for example...

There are a lot of example, even in the past, that #specs are not fully respected and clients simply adapt to it...

Akkoma/Pleroma support by FahimF · Pull Request #363 · Dimillian/IceCubesApp

Support for Akkoma (and Pleroma) servers so that JSON…
Thomas Beduneau

Seul un nombre limité d’attributs sont considérés comme booléens. Si vous rencontrez un attribut avec une valeur qui peut être `true` ou `false`, ce n’est pas un attribut booléen. #logique #HTML #spec

HTML Standard
Eris Adderly 🍎

#introduction I write dirty #Romance , most of it under the #spec-fic umbrella (minus the odd contemporary).

I am an eclectic human who will snicker at the word 'dongle' while in the middle of an intense conversation about #metaphyics.

I come pre-installed with #adhd , #depression , and terrible #pun habits. I can be bribed with cheese, #BannedBooks , canceled plans, and opportunities to pet cats. Fully proficient in conversational Profanity.

Cis female, pan, technically *not* a necromancer.

Pierre Huyghebaert

Un beau loop typographique. Le #BAFF utilise la famille de fontes #Belgicka depuis plusieurs années pour sa communication (mais pas son site, étrangement). Cette année, le dernier film de #VincentMeessen est dans la programmation. Or c'est avec Vincent qu'on a commencé chez #Spec et #OSP ce chantier de meta-fontes il y a une dizaine d'année...