
Rotten Social Structure


foundational critiques of the socio-economic system, highlighting how market capitalism's competitive nature drives ecological destruction, inequality, and systemic dysfunction, with Peter Joseph…

#SocialStructure #Foundation #SystemsScience #PeterJoseph #RevolutionNow

Peter Stoyko

SYSTEMVIZ. Last year I presented two major additions to the SystemViz Project on visualizing systems at international conferences. I'm releasing both to the general public to start the new year. Of Interest is the ESCALADE information-design framework slide-notes: systemviz.com/escalade-slideno . And Anatomy of System Notations codex poster: systemviz.com/anatomy-poster1. . Slidenotes for the Anatomy are also available at systemviz.com . Feedback is welcome.

#systems #SystemsScience #SystemsThinking


@free_appalachia Exactly., that is why I tagged it with #systemsscience Deming among others tried to sneak it in, but the Business School People hijacked and co-opted most of the "Progressive Management" and Systems Science stuff pretty effectively. They are using Systems Science to sub-optimize the system for the Investor Class.

I learned about this stuff in High School back in the early 1970s, it is frustrating to have watched this happen.


RT @YoungModeler@twitter.com

Great comparison of #globalwarming with your body temperature: +1 °C is slight discomfort, +2 means fever; +5 death. So what would happen then to our organs; and to vital global #systems? #ClimateChange #SystemsScience #simulation #complexity #ComplexSystems @PIK_Climate@twitter.com @oeaw@twitter.com

The Librarian 🌷

Re-posting & pinning my #introduction for any new folks:

Hi, I am an academic #librarian, #geospatial information scientist, computer scientist, #linguist (theoretically) and amateur #mathematician into:

#higherEd / #education,
#visualLearning & #infoViz
legal studies,
political theory & economics (MMT, etc),
#computationalSocialScience, and
#systemsScience (#SD and #ABM, etc).

I like #synthWave music and #garmentEngineering (#fashionDesign).

An #omnipologist if you will.

The Librarian 🌷

Hi, I am an academic #librarian, #geospatial information scientist, computer scientist, #linguist (theoretically) and amateur #mathematician into #highered / #education, #public_policy, political theory & economics, societal issues (esp. interested in issues involving #social_emergence), and #systems_science. An #omnipologist if you will. Re-posting and pinning my #introduction for any new folks. alt-tags: #publicpolicy #socialemergence #systemsscience