These are public posts tagged with #teaching. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
The little one watched and copied, because that is how they learn: they observe, and imitate.
And when we adults, their parents and family, their first and lifelong teachers, their protectors and watchers, live and do good things ourselves, we teach them the value of doing good things.
That's the legacy we pass on.
Into the Surf canvas print --
#family #love #parenting #sea #art #artwork #mastoart #fediart #buyintoart #oregon #colorful #child #girl #teaching #life
Last Summer, my student intern Scarlett Spackman put together a great document about accessible teaching for #maths, #stats and #physics.
Under two headers, "Why should I care?" and "Advice", Scarlett makes the case for improving accessibility and then offers practical ways of achieving that.
I've finally got the go-ahead to share it more widely:
I'm still really wrestling with how much to scaffold web dev projects for my first year students. We're at the point where I usually live teach/code along the new concepts and then ask students to build and extend. Even that seems like too much for some.
Maybe scaffolding out all the required functions and then they fill in the rest? Or, I give them a list of the functions they'll need so they have a starting point?
I'm looking at a student's assignment in Google Classroom. At the top, it is reported as "missing". Right underneath that, I can see the non-empty document that they handed in.
I won't go so far as to say an LLM only has one job, but consistently reporting whether something was handed in or not seems pretty basic.
Back to school after a long weekend. I need to have some hard conversations with a couple classes today following their last test. It's a day to strike a balance between supportive encouragement and challenging them to change some habits to be more successful on assessments.
Yesterday morning, before conditions worsened students from the field course I am teaching at #Concordia went snow sampling around #YUL #airport and on #MontRoyal. The goal: To look at #heavyMetal deposition in the snow pack from aircraft emissions and other sources around (major highways, industrial activity). The braved the wind and the cold and hopefully we will see some nice #ICPMS data from recent and aged snow. #teaching #academia #airquality
I’m take on the “myth of learning styles” whenever I encounter it. The range of responses is interesting, but most common is “what do we replace them with?” #education #learning #teaching
"if we want young people to flock back into our bachelor of education programs and build careers in our school systems, then being a teacher needs to be a good job, one that combines solid pay with reasonable expectations. Without this, the cycle of shortages is doomed to repeat and emergency hires will remain an ineffective patch on a growing tear in our social fabric." #teaching #education #canada
"My concern is that out of convenience, or expedience, or through carelessness, we may allow these meaningful things to be lost or reduced to the province of a select few rather than being accessible to all." #teaching #learning #ai #generative
John Warner argues for the fundamental irrelevance…
The Bulwark“According to a 2022 UNESCO report, a lack of trained educators is becoming an issue in Europe and North America, with a turn to underqualified hires becoming a growing trend.”
“in Saskatchewan, the minimum requirement for a temporary teaching permit is to be four years out of high school, with further education or a specialized skill merely “preferred.”
This is called ‘deprofessionalization’ and it’s toxic.
#Education #Teaching #Canada #Saskatchewan
Teaching is a profession, but it’s being turned into…
The WalrusI'm excited to share some big news. After 9 years as a software developer in industry, working for Epic, I am returning to academia. Starting this fall, I'll be teaching data science and computer science at #Macalester College, working with @inthehands !
Very excited to be teaching again, and to be returning to the Twin Cities.
#macalester #twincities #stpaul #teaching #datascience #computerscience
Principal: How's your history class going? Are your kids ready for their GCSEs in May?
Teacher: No, most are still failing. It doesn't help that most speak limited English. Could we get them some extra language support?
Principal: That's a terrible idea. If they won't pass their GCSEs, why don't you just start preparing them for A-Levels instead?
Teacher: What the actual ...?
Y. has been my student two semesters in a row. Last semester, in a TOEIC class, she didn't do well. I barely passed her.
She was my student again this semester. She studied very hard, and she really improved. Over my career, she's one of the students I've seen improving the most in one semester.
She left a note on her final test (that she aced) thanking me for making her like English for the first time, and now she really wants to become good.
Things like this make it all worth it.
this was a heartwarming story and reminded me of the best part of my former career.
folks in your 40s, 50s, 60s going back to school for the first time in decades:
every semester, there were at least two dozen 17-22 year old shitheads that came to me arguing about their grades and trying to magically manipulate a B- into an A+. i loathed dealing with them at office hours.
but there was always one 50 year old who decided to go to university and was stressed out as hell. they had kids they never saw at home, a mortgage payment they could barely make, many were divorced, and were constantly late submitting assignments. some missed midterm and final exams.
they hated asking for help, but by the last month of the semester they'd break down and ask for an extension. and sometimes two or three extensions.
my mom started university when she was in her forties and i was 13, and i never forgot it.
so when i was teaching in my 20s and 30s, i thought back to all the nights that my mom stayed up until 3am writing papers, and then dragging her ass out of bed at 6am to make breakfast for us before heading to class.
whenever a "mature student" showed up to my office burned out and asking for help, you're damned right they got all the help they could ask for.
if you're an older student and the workload is killing you - talk to your prof. yeah, some are heartless assholes - but the vast majority of us were rooting for you the whole time.
After a lifetime of focusing on others and believing…
CBCPedagogy of care:
Today one of my students texted me to thank me for the "everything is awful" clause on my syllabus. My policy is that I don't need to know your private business -- once a semester for the homework and once for the readings you can invoke the "everything is awful" clause on the understanding that we can't always do all of everything. I get it. Me neither.
I figure that students know best when they need that wiggle room.
Resting on the Shore in the Mountain Light... #landscape #photography #forest #water #wallart
#scotland #artist #art #artbooster #creativetoots #picture #artprints #wallart #wallartforsale #mastoart #mastodonart #climate #winter #fish #duck #rock #music #film #movies #geology #teaching #sailing