
To me, huge vehicles like this convey the message: ‘I’ve got what I need, everyone else can get forked’. Unsurprising that driving high status cars is associated with disregard for rules that might inconvenience the driver while protecting the safety of others. Speed limits are so annoying. It’s as if some of us live in the narrative frameworks employed in adventure movies: main character (me, very important); supporting cast (them, nameless, expendable). It’s toxic.

How can we turn our cultural expectations around so behaving in ways that promote the wellbeing of everyone, & the land, air & waters that sustain us, is what confers status & earns respect?

#transport #cars #culture #consumerism

‘You have unmet needs’: the psychology behind Australia’s love affair with big cars theguardian.com/australia-news

‘You have unmet needs’: the psychology behind Australia’s love affair with big cars

The promise of adventure, attention, muscle and safety…

The Guardian
Mar 14, 2025, 23:33 · · · 1 · 0
Paris Marx

Tesla is in big trouble. Sales are plummeting and consumers are boycotting the brand as Elon Musk champions far-right politics.

But the CEO’s reputation isn’t the only problem. He’s also made a series of bad business decisions that are coming back to haunt the automaker.


#tech #tesla #elonmusk #politics #evs #transportation #transport

Elon Musk is running Tesla into the ground

His far-right politics aren’t the automaker’s only…

Nils Wilcke

Toutes ces voitures Tesla qui brûlent en Allemagne, ach, quel malheur pour l'image de marque de Musk. Aux Etats-Unis, Trump envisage d'inscrire les dégradations des voiture de la marque de son conseillers sur la liste des crimes de terrorisme domestique newsweek.com/tesla-vehicles-se

#Politique #Voiture #Transport #Police #Tesla #Musk #Trump #Allemagne

Mar 14, 2025, 17:28 · · · 6 · 0
Nils Wilcke

Deux journalistes de France 2 agressés par des collaborateurs du maire de Boulogne-Billancourt lors d'un conseil municipal qui tourne mal: l'un d'eux a vu sa carte de presse et son téléphone arrachés, pour supprimer leurs vidéos de la séance. L'édile s'est mis en retrait. En cause, la sécurisation d’une station Vélib’ après la mort d'un ado. actu.fr/ile-de-france/boulogne

#Politique #Velo #Paris #Banlieue #Municipales #EELV #Ecologie #Transport #Violences #Journalisme #Presse #Media

"C'est lunaire" : le conseil municipal de Boulogne-Billancourt tourne au fiasco, le maire se met en retrait

Plusieurs élus de Boulogne dénoncent des violences…

Milad Malekzadeh

I am truly honored to share that I have been appointed to the Board of Directors of the International Professional Association for #Transport & #Health.

It is both a privilege to contribute to this incredible community at the intersection of transport and #public_health.


Nikita Romanov

Heriott Watt students will present their proposals next week to Edinburgh’s council to run tram-trains on Edinburgh’s southern suburban railway section which used to serve passengers but only serves freight as of now. #edinburgh #scotland #uk #tram #transport #trains


ABC Feeds

Labor commits $1bn to secure rail corridors to new Sydney airport
By Joshua Boscaini

A re-elected federal Labor government plans to inject $1 billion into securing a rail corridor from Sydney's south-western suburbs to the new Western Sydney airport.


#Trains #PublicTransport #Transport #FederalGovernment #JoshuaBoscaini

Federal Labor commits $1 billion to connect Sydney's south-west with Western Sydney Airport

A re-elected federal Labor government plans to inject…

ABC News
Matt × 🇳🇴 🇺🇦

Old Trafford (the stadium) always struggled to build more because the trains ran alongside the place. And then the other side of the train track, none of the residents would sell their place.

I guess Manchester United has finally bought all the houses around the stadium and convinced the local government to shut off the train line to Liverpool whilst they redevelop the entire area.

Some big big money being thrown around here.

#Manchester #OldTrafford #ManchesterUnited #MUFC #Trains #Transport

Melstrom :mstdn:

I'm prepared to shell out to take the #Eurostar bc as a North American, I want to experience what fast, efficient #railservice is like. It's a #transport unicorn, so I'll take the opportunity every time.

Vintage Buses

Hi folks

Just joined today. I'm a retired Scottish gentleman interested in vintage buses and I hope to post some interesting facts as we go along.

I'm building a website using Hugo and I'm currently visiting transport museums and collecting photographs.

#vintagebuses #buses #transport #scotland


je découvre que y'a un projet de réseaux de bus en Île de France pour 2030,les cars express.
rien n'est encore en place bien sûr.

#transport #iledefrance #reportModal

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

Although the #bridge closure would have been inconvenient, I had a look at what this #forge / #blacksmith makes and its not that large/heavy items (vehicles over 7 500 kg are forbidden from the bridge anyway) - I do wonder if it was a coincidence his business had trade decline and the real reason is even relatively middle class folk are skint, and simply can't afford artisan forged garden ornaments? #Suffolk #roads #transport


Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

I'm more intrigued as to why the middle aged lady drives from #Leigh on Sea to #Braintree just to get #petrol - she would use more fuel than she saves doing this and would have to sit in #A12 traffic during busy times (maybe she has friends or family there?)

Also she's too young to have been driving around the time when #attendedservice was commonplace (it had already stopped in most areas by the 1970s)

#Essex #Transport #driving


Essex petrol station that's so cheap drivers come from 30 miles away to fill up

Queues form outside the station and staff even help…

Essex Live
🚲 Arno roule 🚶‍♂️🐧♻️ :bzh:

[#Mobilités] Le #transport #aérien va bénéficier de 150 à 200M d’€ de défiscalisation supplémentaire 🇫🇷 en 2025

En parallèle, le Plan #Vélo de 250M€ a été supprimé.

Conclusion : les fonds du Plan Vélo vont servir à faire voler des #avions.

Bienvenue en #dystopie ... euh en #France en 2025 !...
Via @Reporterre

Mar 10, 2025, 11:47 · · · 32 · 0
Manuel 'HonkHase' Atug

#KRITIS Sektor #Transport und #Verkehr

Marode #Brücken in Deutschland: Endlos zerredet statt schnell gebaut

"Die schwarz-roten Sondierer wollen mit Milliarden die Infrastruktur in Deutschland auf Vordermann bringen. Doch der Blick nach Dresden oder Hamburg zeigt: Gerade der #Brückenbau stockt - und das liegt nicht am Geld." tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/konju