The ~20% increased incidence of Type 1 diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) during the Covid pandemic among children and teens

Nurses went on strike.

Then graduate students.

Then school teachers.

Now it’s hotel employees, writers, and actors.

UPS drivers and auto workers may be next.

Many strikes, similar story:

Workers are sick and tired of billionaires and corporations hoarding wealth and power.

A woman tweeted that she'd run 130+ marathons & hiked Mt Kilimanjaro, but since Covid, she’s had to be carried to the bathroom due to neurological issues. Chilling.

Honored to have spoken with expert Eric Topol who answers many of our Long Covid questions regarding new variants, brain fog, fertility, treatments, etc...

“People want to dismiss this. But this is an inconvenient truth, long Covid.” #COVID19 #covid #longCOVID #FORTUNE

“Someone with a 1-hr car commute needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work. On the other hand, if someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they’d fallen in love.” #CityMakingMath
50 reasons why everyone should want more walkable streets & cities, in Fast Company:
#cities #walking #walkablecities #urbanism

My suggestion if you want the Fediverse to work, follow and favorite and boost the absolute hell out of people. It’s not about dopamine or clout chasing, it’s about letting people know they’re not just typing into a void.

It is time for our seasonal integral game: when medical politicians are selling you #hopium, go back to the data. See the (unitless) integral under the 'endemic' stage we're at; the data shows we have TONS of re-infections.

Trans people just want to fucking live. You know what I'm saying? We want to have a safe home, we want to eat in a restaurant on occasion, we want to hang out with friends, we want to fall in love and be loved back. We want to have fun and dress up sometimes and stay at home on our couches sometimes and have a life that is fulfilling and in which we aren't constantly in fear of murder or harassment. This is not new and it's not radical and it's not harming you or anyone else to ask for it.


An Ontario children’s hospital is so short staffed that they had to call in the Red Cross.

Meanwhile, the Ontario government will appeal the court decision that struck down Bill 124...a bill that literally makes short staffing so much worse.

Does this make any sense to you?



We live in a society that would rather see pediatric hospice patients discharged so staff can be redeployed in hospitals than to enthusiastically demand and support the easy means of mitigating the transmission of the airborne diseases crushing the system



I still can’t believe they’ve got hospitals calling the Red Cross for help when Ontario under spent on healthcare by ~$900 million in the first half of this year.

Ontarians deserve better.

Ontarians deserve a healthcare system that doesn’t rely on the Red Cross to bail us out.




No amoxicillin.
No amox-clav.
No cefdinir.
No high-flow circuits.
No oseltamivir.
Limited nurses.
Limited ICU beds.
Limited services.
Limited life-saving care.

Tell me again how everything is fine?

So now our paediatric hospital ( has called in the Red Cross to help with so many sick children. Ontario and leaders across Canada, at every level, could have been proactive. This is a crisis. Our youngest pay the price. Listen to healthcare experts. #onpoli #onhealth

Please boost if you’re still masking indoors (in public places)

"Everyone should know about these studies."

Read this, especially if you disagree with me.


This is an incredibly well-researched article. Please read it. And please, please be safe.
#maskswork #covidisnotover

It’s #FollowFriday so boost this post and help God get more followers! The more people that follow Me here the more comedy people on Twitter will realize they should move to Mastodon!

Encouraging new data for boosters (1st and 2nd) for inducing neutralizing antibody response vs BA.5


The consistent increased risk of diabetes after Covid across all age groups, highest in the first 3 months after infection, from a systematic review of 9 studies, ~40 million people

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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