It's been awhile since I last reminded you that I love you.
I love you.
Almost lost a dear friend recently; hug your people and make sure they know how much you care and how you feel.
@Blenster I followed you on Twitter and can confirm you are one of the nicest people to talk to. Glad to have found you again.
@Blenster super glad you're here, every day!
@Blenster happy to see you around the new neighborhood
@Blenster 🙏🏼 Kindness is everything.
@Blenster as someone that leans toward sarcastic, thanks for the reminder that being kind is ALWAYS an option(I forget that more often than I’d like to admit). Love you right back!
@Blenster Hopefully they will be fine soon, dear. *hugs*
@positronrelay they're due to be released from the hospital tomorrow! :-)
@Blenster Hooray!!! Sending my best!
@Blenster spreading love and joy is important - sending hugs 🫂
It’s also ok and valid to feel sad and important to recognize when then sadness is overwhelming and you need help - no one is alone out there
@CarpeDiemT3ch ABSOLUTELY!
@Blenster So glad I found you here.
@Blenster I'm glad you're here