just spent a chunk of my morning wrestling with Arduino for the op amp lab, then moved to a bare metal starter project because that wasn't working, and I found myself cursing and wishing someone had just built an easy to use framework for building simple firmware for the SAM L21. then I remembered: I did that. last fall. I even wrote a hecking README. what is happening with my brain? https://github.com/joeycastillo/gossamer/
ok so today’s tasks involve digital and analog stuff, but first I’d like to have a driver for my OLED. Alas, I can’t use the @adafruit GFX library since it’s meant for Arduino, and my gossamer framework is plain old C. So I think I’m just porting GFX to C this morning, along with their OLED driver, and at least so far this much is promising. Init sequence works and it’s full of stars.
@joeycastillo is that Sputnik?
@Blenster haha it was just the random smattering of lines and circles that were showing up as gibberish, but when I fixed my pixel drawing function, they came into focus :)