Question: Which country has had the best COVID response? Is there a society which has responded in a way informed by science and respectful of the rights and needs of their people?
@tonic ah yes good answer! Democratic, guided by science. New Zealand gets high marks.
@DrFunkySpoon On the other hand, Operation Warp Speed also saved millions of lives. I think it’s Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccines, which had support from both US government and the UE Commission, the ones that have made China’s response too restrictive in 2022.
@vrruiz yes that’s true. Would have been so much worse without these vaccines.
But the inane policy debates & conflicts & legal wrangling over vaccines show our society’s underbelly on full display.
@DrFunkySpoon This shows the big picture, with the most populous nations and global average, US highlighted. Asia seems to have done better than average.
@DrFunkySpoon New Zealand ?