Years later, still painfully true.
"We are long overdue for the #WHO to confront the blind spot it has had for accepting the critical importance of #airborne transmission of respiratory pathogens such as #influenza and #SARS-CoV-2", July 2020
Years later, still painfully true.
"We are long overdue for the #WHO to confront the blind spot it has had for accepting the critical importance of #airborne transmission of respiratory pathogens such as #influenza and #SARS-CoV-2", July 2020
« Des pédiatres #québécois ont flirté la stratégie de l’immunité collective telle que promue par un think tank de la droite libertarienne américaine. »
#physicist (CMT), looking for patterns.
Also, #COVIDisAirborne #N95sForAll etc.