I have recently come to some realizations that have brought me a measure of peace regarding the ongoing Covid pandemic and my role in my community.
1.I know more than enough about this virus to know that I don’t want to be infected (again?).
2. I already know what I need to know to minimize the risks of infection.
3. I have shared enough of that information with my community that if they haven’t changed their behaviour, yet, further information is not going to matter. They’re going to have to learn by experience. (I also recently learned that the deficit model for changing minds doesn’t work - which blows my mind but I digress.)
So…I can take my education and advocacy at a less frantic pace. I can re-focus my efforts into working with groups that are advocating for systemic change rather than trying to convince people who won’t be convinced. I’ve heard people say “This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.” I propose that it’s actually a relay race and I’m thankful for everybody who is on my team. #CleanAir #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver