Killing children anywhere is wrong. Killing civilians is wrong. Taking civilians hostage is wrong. Attacking music festivals is wrong. Shutting off food and water to millions of people is wrong. Apartheid is wrong

Apparently according to right-wingers this statement makes me (Ukrainian Jewish ancestry) an antisemite.

#Israel #Hamas #Palestine



It's uncanny how the language used by Netanyahu and his ministers to describe the Palestinians "human animals", resembles that used by Nazis to describe the Jews in the 1930s and how the ghettoisation of the Gaza strip resembles the ghettos of WWII

@Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson I'm pretty sure you're quoting it wrong here, and they were talking about Hamas, not Palestinians (a desirable media effect for Hamas leaders to be equated to all Palestinians — a trap that so much media and so many people around the globe fall into). ... And the ghettisation of the Gaza strip is a direct effect of it's 'leadership', which is a terrorist organisation denying any possibility of creating a Palestinian state until there's Israel in existence.

@artoix @Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson
“There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.” That is the direct quote. The electricity, food, and water is being cut off to all, not just Hamas.

@ViennaMike @Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson So, right, it’s about Hamas. Israel fights Hamas, and the world needs to help them in that. If you think people of Gaza live in poverty because of Israel you have a total misconception of the situation there. Hamas fully controls Gaza since 2007, their leaders get literally hundreds of millions of dollars in support annually, large part of it from Quatar, where most of them live in luxury, funding mostly terror, but also antisemitic disinformation campaigns. How about THEM investing those money into food, electricity, water for their people? How about them creating a Palestinian state? No, it’s a difficult kind of thing terrorists are incapable and not interested doing. Open your eyes — it’s them, Hamas leaders controlling Gaza who are interested in Arabs being killed, it’s their business LITERALLY on which they get attention, money, and continue building up anti-Israel narratives. It’s that easy: if terrorist groups, controlling Palestinian territories stop spreading terror and focus on creating their state — there will be piece. If Israel stops fighting back — there won’t be Israel. In a literal and brutal way, and I doubt you want to see even any imagery how it will happen. Stop supporting and justifying terrorists.

@artoix @Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson you may want to check what the Israeli Ambassador to the U.K. said today - she’d kill every single last Palestine. It was chilling. And you have no understanding of how the Gaza Strip or West Bank came into being - start at the Balfour Declaration in 1920s and work forward from there.

@Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson the Israeli Ambassador to the U.K. on TV today called the Palestinians Nazis and justified removing them all by any means. The irony was lost on her. It was chiiling.

@Paulos_the_fog @dcjohnson
Please don't mention WW2 when you talk about Nazi Germany. I know my countries history well enough to claim that those were two different evils. Even where the Reich expanded without war (e.g. incoororation of Austria) there happened the systematic repression of Jews, Sinti, Roma and Slavs, too, their stripping of rights, ownership, freedom, finally of their humanity and their slaughter.
And: Hamas doesn't equal all Palestinians.

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