@hatulimyafim Very good. I am likewise, filling a vocab Excel sheet with Northern Azeri, Southern Azeri (if different from Northern Azeri), and modern Turkish words.
@hatulimyafim Sure will be. It is really unintelligently done, i.e. in a lo-tec way. If you can make something more educationally meaningful or practicable, then please feel free to process or work further on it (once I have sent such a sheet to you).
@PhilologicalEssayist would be happy to take a look. DM me here or on twitter whenever you're ready to share ☺️
@hatulimyafim Just for your information: I have just entered the vocabulary of Lesson 5 of the method I am using for learning Azeri. Considering there are 17 Lessons, and assuming not too many lessons are much more or less voluminous vocabularywise, I assume that I will be ready with finishing the spreadsheet sometime in early Spring, perhaps earlier.
@PhilologicalEssayist sounds awesome! What lessons are you using, by the way?
@hatulimyafim The lessons in question are from the textbook "Aserbaidschanisch Lehrbuch: Unter Beruecksichtigung des Nord- und Suedaserbaidschanischen" by Nemat Rahmati and Korkut Buğday.
@PhilologicalEssayist excellent, ty
@PhilologicalEssayist oh that is really exciting, and if you're ever willing to share it, I'd be interested!