Gonna share some truths that are taboo to talk about, and everyone is gonna angrily at me about (I’m going to drink this mead then have a nap, don’t bother):

glasses frames are a monopoly, but you can buy pretty nice glasses from China if you have a prescription for like $20, I have like 11 - look at Vooglam
nobody actually gives a shit if you go to the glamorous restaurant alone, as long as you tip well and are polite - in fact you’ll get better drinks at the bar~ the secret to doing a lot of stuff as an adult, like hobbies or going places, is just asking. Nobody gives a shit if you tip well and you’re polite. You can go almost wherever. You can finger paint. Whatevs.~ life is too short for shit beer & liquor~ life is too short for shit men, love~ there will be other loves even though it seems giant ~ trans rights are human rights and I’ll officiate your wedding ~ local elections matter ~ you should be seeing a therapist~ if you haven’t worn it in two years, donate it, darling~ people at bars want to tell you about their jobs and hobbies, and they’re all interesting~ video games and D&D are real life skills~ find the fitness that you can do long term~ no fad diets~ you don’t have to know how to code or watch Star Wars to be a great IT person~ if you ever have or think you have a serious health problem in America, understand our healthcare is shit and you need to research it yourself and then get like 3 opinions minimum. Nobody will look out for you like you do.~ you should probably wear the mask~ if you have ovaries that work you can just take birth control forever and never have a period, there are some health caveats but it’s mostly sorta kinda just a stigma not to. The military does this.~ if you have ovaries that work find an gynecologist who is generally not an asshole, life is too short for checking with your nonexistent husband ~ if your doctor harps on your bmi and nothing else, then get a new doctor, before you die. Literally.~ it’s a good night if you get home safe, brush your teeth, and take an aleve~ life is too short to penny pinch instead of living, because soon we’ll be gone~ you look perfect in that outfit to everyone except you~ ask how other people are doing, and listen~ genuinely care about what happens to other people because it will happen to you

Oh yeah, I forgot - if you’re trans and you want to have haiir, all of mine is fake you can just go get extensions, you pay the money and then you have hair- you’re welcome.

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Actually if anyone wants to have hair, men can have hair too- it looks hella cool.

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Toxic masculinity should be shoved out of a moving vehicle by Indiana Jones

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Being nonbinary is real. I have a warped ribcage and a few scars to prove it. Being asexual is real. I’m like, old now, and also very dignified - so it must be real.

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People are mostly good, but you should learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from the ones who aren’t.

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Never trust a billionaire no matter how cool their PR firm is they could end hunger yet opt not to

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Travel places that make you uncomfortable (not for personal safety or trauma reasons)

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One secret to opening jars alone is breaking the pressurized seal - just give the jar a good rap on something to warp the edge of the lid a tiny bit, and it will pop right open

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Learn how to change your tires and jump your car, you don’t want to be beholden to someone in an emergency if you’re physically capable of doing it.

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Every stranger on the internet is merely a product of what they curate and choose to show you. You don’t know the reality or the whole picture. You don’t own them.

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Get to know people that make you uncomfortable (not for personal safety or trauma reasons)

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Everyone thinks they are the ugliest and the most under qualified, sometimes

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Internet trolls are basically using anger as therapy for their massive trauma, because they don’t think anger is an emotion

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You are in a business transaction with your employer and owe them nothing more than they compensate you for. If you die at your desk they’ll replace you in days.

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There have always been gay and trans people, and it’s Actualky Good when they don’t have to currently live tortured, closeted lives.

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Naps are actually healthy and awesome. I’m not a medical professional but I’m pretty sure I function on them so they must be pretty awesome.

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You don’t need to have kids to be happy.. if they make you happy, that’s a wonderful thing and you should embrace it.

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@hacks4pancakes And some of us (me... not extrapolating to anyone else) realize that we do not have the temprement to be a parent (too self-involved).

@hacks4pancakes @Pjcoyle I'm sure you would raise better people than most. I'm often surprised by the two I'm raising.

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