Why did news on a study presented at ASCO 2022 go viral?
#medicalwriters #AI #informatics
News articles from major publishers used exaggerated language that was picked up by other media and by influential non-medical social media accounts.
The exaggerated language substantially overemphasized the narrative of this trial, and likely played a key role in the viral spread of information among the general public in news and social media.
This methodology, using AI combining natural language models with text analytics allows analysis of large volumes of text to gain insights into the spread of messages.
Thread from Twitter: https://twitter.com/OxPharmaGenesis/status/1617891709794516993
As Oxford Pharma Genesis don't seem to have a Mastodon account, I'm re-tooting this here (with a summary based on the conclusions).
View the full poster here: https://www.pharmagenesis.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/why-did-it-go-viral.pdf