Qoto.org blocking, genocide mention
Qoto.org says it has zero tolerance for hatred, but also "does not currently block any Fediverse servers".
I messaged Qoto admin to ask whether they would block servers that incited genocide. Admin replied Qoto would not block such servers.
I asked about the danger of radicalisation, and they said "(people) aren't going to read some random thing on the internet and turn bad. It just doesn't happen."
Have blocked qoto.org, would encourage others to do same.
Qoto.org blocking, genocide mention
@FediThing I would prefer a server that doesn't limit my access to the fediverse so I can decide for myself what I need to personally block. I support your choice to block the entire instance, but I'm considering migrating there based on your endorsement. Your choice would lump me in with everything you deem degenerate simply because I don't trust authority. This is how the fediverse collapses, under the weight of the majority.
Qoto.org blocking, genocide mention
@FediThing look at the public posts. I don't see any hatred. I do see a few people feeling personally victimized by fedifascists.
Qoto.org blocking, genocide mention
As someone from qoto.org, no, the federated timeline is not an alt right celebration... It is a mess(as i suspect with all big instances), but not alt right at all(and if you see something you consider harmful, you can simply block said instance/account)
@TrismegistusMx @FediThing