please RT
Hi #neuroscience sensorimotor people, is anyone aware of a group or unique hashtags for our topic(s)? Would be nice to get stuff onto our timelines more reliably.
@jjodx @paulgribble @aaronlwong @StriemAmit @opherdonchin @johannarimmele @rrangana1 @haar @Magda_Gippert @thartbm @Ferris_vball @pmedendorp @boisgontier @Bestmannlab
@aaronlwong @HeedLab @jjodx @paulgribble @opherdonchin @johannarimmele @rrangana1 @haar @Magda_Gippert @thartbm @Ferris_vball @pmedendorp @boisgontier @Bestmannlab
A group sounds like a good idea
@aaronlwong @StriemAmit @HeedLab @jjodx @paulgribble @opherdonchin @johannarimmele @rrangana1 @haar @Magda_Gippert @thartbm @Ferris_vball @pmedendorp @boisgontier great idea. Let's make the migration a success. (He said, having posted zilch content so far)
@StriemAmit @HeedLab @jjodx @paulgribble @opherdonchin @johannarimmele @rrangana1 @haar @Magda_Gippert @thartbm @Ferris_vball @pmedendorp @boisgontier @Bestmannlab
I understand that you can create groups by tagging @ groupname @ (without spaces). The downside is that, like hashtags, people have to tag the group in order for your post to be boosted to people following the group