So when I started work in TB, the treatment for DRTB was 2years, costed thousands of dollars and less than 50% of people were cured. I was involved in a meeting to dream of future of the treatment for people with DRTB. Now it seems that that dream is coming true. #WHO
guidance on all oral 6 month regimen ( that are cost effective ( and are supported by
( What a lovely way to end the year! Let's hope that in 2023, countries start scaling up this regimen that cures more than 85% of people.
@gpollara I remember hearing about the ZeNix trial for BPaL for XDR-TB and thinking could it really be true??? Now countries need supported to introduce and scale it up.
@TBbrigden too right. Been truly transformative. What a positive impact on people's quality of life!