To fill in my profile tags, a thread:
#TrakEM2 is open source software mostly for #connectomics (but found uses well beyond), and provides the means for both manual and automatic montaging and aligning overlapping 2D image tiles (with #SIFT features and rigid or elastic transformation models), and then reconstructing with mostly manual means–by painting with a digital brush–the volumes of structures of interest, as well as trace the branched arbors of e.g., neurons and annotate their synapses, therefore mapping a #connectome from #vEM (volume electron microscopy).
#TrakEM2 paper at
Git repository at
For 3D visualization, #TrakEM2 uses the 3D Viewer
As software, #TrakEM2 runs as a plugin of #FijiSc and in fact motivated the creation of the #FijiSc software in the first place, to manage its many dependencies and therefore facilitate distribution to the broader #neuroscience community.
#TrakEM2 was founded in 2005, when terabyte-sized datasets were rare and considered large. The largest dataset that I've successfully managed with #TrakEM2 was about 16 TB. For larger datasets, see #CATMAID below.
@manlius Yes, a lot, but generated mostly with #CATMAID which is more purpose-built for #connectomics.
An early reconstruction of a neural circuit done with #TrakEM2 was by Davi Bock et al. 2011 on the mouse visual cortex, "Network anatomy and in vivo physiology of visual cortical neurons"
Another one with #TrakEM2 was by Dan Bumbarger et al. 2013 "System-wide rewiring underlies behavioral differences in predatory and bacterial-feeding nematodes" where they compared #celegans with another nematode, #pristionchus pacificus that has the exact same amount of neurons but connected differently
Later ones with #CATMAID include:
The polychaete worm #Platynereis by @jekely 's group, "Whole-animal #connectome and cell-type complement of the three-segmented Platynereis dumerilii larva" Verazto et al. 2020
And all of ours in #Drosophila larva. See the #VirtualFlyBrain server which hosts the #vEM of the whole central nervous system and lists all the neurons included in each published paper (currently 23), shared among the papers and all connecting to each other:,%20%7B%20type:%20%22neuron-search%22,%20id:%20%22neuron-search-1%22,%20options:%20%7B%22annotation-name%22:%20%22papers%22%7D%7D,%200.6)
The 24th will come soon, featuring the complete whole #Drosophila larval brain with ~2,500 neurons. It's under review.