New review paper bugle 📯! James O'Sullivan and Zoe Mann from the centre for craniofacial and regenerative biology at KCL and me from UCL Ear Institute talk all things mitochondria and hair cells.

First mastodon new paper bugle! 📯 "Deletion of the Notch ligand Jagged1 during cochlear maturation leads to inner hair cell defects and hearing loss"

A collaboration with researchers at URMC and myself at UCL Ear Institute, and my SEM solves a puzzle 😀🔬

@jasonsomers well, fancy meeting you here. How are the flies?

The grant is submitted, I can relax.

The rest of my to do list:

Hello Mastodon, we meet again.

I'm a microscopist with a background in , , and (a perfectly sensible mix). I run the light and electron microscopy facility at the UCL Ear Institute with my technical hat on, and collaborate on projects about the structural basis of and with my researcher hat on. With my outreach hat on, I co-chair the outreach committee in the community initiative.

I may have too many hats.

Qoto Mastodon

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