@MrBerard@pilote.me @ZulmaCucunuba
"Personal communication" is very much a thing in scholarship – just because some information was not published neither means we can claim that the idea was ours, nor are we prohibited to communicate the idea. That's why the "personal communication" is for. Each common citation format has their own conventions - here is the link to APA: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/citations/personal-communications
Calling AI output a "Synthesized Communication" fits this case perfectly. We are reporting another's words, but the format is volatile.
Mind you: that does not remove the obligation to find the source of an idea, if that is the focus of our writing. "ChatGPT thinks that Fleischman and Pons invented cold fusion." can be cited as a "synthesized communication". "Fleischman and Pons invented cold fusion." needs a source.