"The present research studies a subset of people interested in cryptocurrencies. Specifically, we examine the effect of Dark Tetrad traits (Machiavellianism, subclinical narcissism, subclinical psychopathy, and subclinical sadism) on a person's crypto attitude and buying intention.
The following mediators were examined as reasons for people buying crypto: (1) conspiracy beliefs (e.g., distrust of government), (2) positivity and (3) fear of missing out (FoMO).
Importantly, we are not suggesting all crypto buyers exhibit Dark Tetrad traits.
Based on a pre-registered survey of the main research question rather than hypotheses (N = 566), it was found that:
- Narcissism was positively associated with crypto attitude which was mediated by positivity.
- Machiavellianism was associated with buying intention which was mediated by conspiracy beliefs.
- Machiavellians were more distrustful of government which was associated with a greater desire to buy crypto.
- Psychopathy affected crypto judgments through FoMO and a negative effect on positivity.
- Sadism is associated with FoMO and a lack of positivity which affects crypto judgments."
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