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Remember how my previous employer denied my WFH request so that I could flee the state of Ohio to take care of my trans kid while still working for a company I loved?

I just heard they did it to someone else today.

When you insist people come in to an office a few days a week because you want a "hybrid culture" not a "remote culture" and then tell them to just fuck off when all they want to do is get their kid somewhere safe that makes you an absolutely shitty person.

I'm done hiding who it was.

The company is
#OverDrive, based in Cleveland. They make ebook lending software for your local library called #Libby. They say they care about their LGBTQIA+ employees and families but that is clearly a lie.

Ohio lawmakers are turning my home state into absolute garbage and companies like this one are playing along.

Tell your local library to

#Trans #TransRights #Ebooks #Libraries #Bookstodon

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If the world didn't suck enough, now Venezuela plans on annexing (by force) 3/4 of my birth country. Why? Because they found oil there. For decades I've been haunted by Steinbeck's "The Pearl", which told of how poor people are destroyed by the promise of great wealth.

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I just found out that the social resting group that I'm part of is moving to a time I can't attend because it's during my busiest work hours (pre-5pm Pacific). Aside from being sad because I've really enjoyed bonding with these folks who also have energy-limiting conditions, I'm starting to think about how else to connect with folks this winter.

Does anyone have any recommendations for online camera-optional meetings or support groups that are accepting new members? Please boost for reach.
#MECFS #NEISVoid #novid #POTS

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Through my mask, I told all the unmasked people at my college reunion that I'd never had covid. They didn't believe me.🙄

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Trump and his allies want us to be disgusted.

They want us to believe that America is ungovernable, and getting worse, as long as power remains diffused.

They want us to think we need an authoritarian strongman — Trump — to take over everything.

Do not lose sight of this.

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Tenemos que ver esta producción mi gente de diaspora. Apoyo a lo nuestro y a nuestra historia.
A boost would be appreciated.


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A paradox. The US economy has grown and added jobs at record rates throughout the Biden administration. Wages are rising and inflation is down to 2.4%. The economy is outperforming most of the world.

Yet most Americans think the economy is in poor shape. Mistakenly, they think it was better under Trump.

Who is to blame?


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the case for
this makes so much sense…PASS IT ON when someone argues that we can’t afford it.

“We’re already paying as taxpayers for universal basic automatic coverage, we’re just not getting it,” Finkelstein told STAT reporter Bob Herman.

"“We might as well formalize and fund that commitment upfront.”


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If you were the woman on a yellow racing bike who was attacked by a car driver this evening (Tue 17 Oct at 19:00) near #potsdammerplatz in #berlin, then I am a witness, have photos and the numberplate of the car.

Please boost - I guess on Muskrat and Zuck-controlled asocial media as well.

#angriff #autofahrer #autogewalt

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Kids in High School:
"I don't understand why I have to take biology, chemistry, and other basic science classes. When am I ever going to use this stuff in my life?!"

As Adults:
"Vaccines cause autism, GMOs are unsafe, climate change is a lie, the earth is flat, and chemtrails!! l've done my research. If you disagree with me, you're a sheep!!"

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The problem with the personal vehicle isn't the powerplant

It's the personal part

That means it sits around wasted most of its existence just so you can say "I have one and you do not"

Until we see solutions outside of capitalism... this crisis is unsolvable.

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😡 "Though the pandemic continues to claim losses on par with the September 11 attacks each week, it has prompted far less in the way of societal reckoning. Instead of calling for a national memorial to pay tribute to those lost or a commission to examine systemic failures in pandemic response, a growing chorus of prominent journalists and pundits have taken aim at another target—the proponents of a more vigorous public health response."


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@PeoplesCDC launches campaign to Keep the Public Health Emergency, asks people to share personal stories about why access to Medicare, Medicaid, free COVID vaccines, tests, and treatment is essential.

Share your story on social media about how you will be impacted using the hashtag “#KeepThePHE.”

#PeoplesCDC #KeepThePHE #COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #CommuniyTransmission #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealth #PublicHealthEmergency

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Do you know someone who has long COVID or had serious illness from COVID-19? Please boost for wider distribution!

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The most exceptional thing about America is how you can, in an instant, lose access to healthcare because you were so sick you dared to access that healthcare during paid time off from the job that healthcare is necessarily attached to. America is exceptionally cruel and wantonly greedy when it comes to…everything…but especially a suffering-mitigating, lifesaving public good that *everyone* should have full access to, without bankrupting themselves. Healthcare is a human right.

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I currently split my time between my off-grid life in the Appalachians that we're working on making a real full time homestead and suburban Florida. Every time we take a little time up north and then come back south I swear it's noticeably further to the political right. I'm going to preface this with the fact that I am vehemently anti-DeSantis, so don't come at me with any "DeSantis apologist" crap.

This is going to be unpopular amongst most of the people that I follow on here, but, I think it needs to be said, so I'm going to say it.

I see a lot of posts about Florida teachers here, and understandably so, there’s a lot of wild stuff coming from the Governor’s office. Unfortunately probably 99% of those posts come from outside of the state and I’m here to tell you something.

I don't know exactly how to say this, so I usually stay outside of political conversations here, but, calls for a teacher strike or all of the "I'm outraged at Florida" posts really reek of outsider echo chamber. I don't want to be the "Sure that sounds great, but" guy all the time, so I just don't get into it. They just aren’t representative of the people in Florida, though.

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“🇨🇦 Did you know that more Canadians have died of COVID than died in World War II?

(🇺🇸 Also, did you know that more of our American neighbours have died of COVID than dies in combat in every war they've fought since 1775?)”


RT @tryangregory

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Imagine if the NY Times take from the beginning had been:

Biden’s lawyers find classified documents on his premises!
By immediately notifying the authorities, returning the documents, and inviting further searches, they create a political problem for Trump: Highlighting the contrast between the right and the wrong way to treat the discovery of classified documents. Trump’s indictment for obstruction now seems inevitable.

Then: Pence, too, avoids obstructing justice …


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