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MY News Punch Is A Fine Antidote to Corporate Media
Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media
Alternative Social Media Replacement for FB/ TWITTER Tyrants

REAL LIFE. REAL NEWS. REAL VOICES. Misleading stories in the media is threatening freedom and democracy. Today BBC-CNN-FOX NEWS...are distorting our understanding and decisions about vital issues. BBC-CNN-FOX-ITV-… are telling lies about important issues
→NEWS→MY NEWS PUNCH 22-11-2019
Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media
Which Law Is Assange Above?
‘No-one is above the law’ Julian Assange has repeatedly been told in British courts. What that means in effect is, ‘You think you are above the law and we have run out of things to charge you with, so we are going to make an example of you for that’.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also told the media that ‘no-one is above the law’ so he, like his predecessors in both major parties, will not intervene with his British counterpart on Assange’s behalf. Gratuitously, he added a sexist crack about Assange’s friend and supporter Pamela Anderson, a Baywatch star. But he did not explain - and wasn’t asked - which law Assange thought he was above. He has broken no Australian law, Sweden has dropped its rape case, he has served his sentence for breach of bail in the UK, and the US has not yet extradited him on charges of espionage and treason. But he's still locked up.
→Zarif: US expression of support for Iranian people shameful lie
Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has condemned as a “disgraceful lie” the US’s expression of support for what he called “the Iranian people” after a series of violent riots hit a number of Iranian cities, saying Washington must, before anything, be responsible for waging economic terrorism and perpetrating crimes against humanity in dealing with Iranians.
→'Targeted by My Own Government': Journalists Sue Trump DHS Over 'Coordinated Attack' on Press Freedom
"This interference effectively prevented me and other journalists from carrying out our reporting at the U.S.-Mexico border."

→Silencing the Beast of Bolivian Populism
Washington’s Consensus on Neofascist Coups in Latin America
→Bolivia’s President Evo Morales was overthrown in a military coup on November 10. He is now in Mexico. Before he left office, Morales had been involved in a long project to bring economic and social democracy to his long-exploited country. It is important to recall that Bolivia has suffered a series of coups, often conducted by the military and the oligarchy on behalf of transnational mining companies. Initially, these were tin firms, but tin is no longer the main target in Bolivia. The main target is its massive deposits of lithium, crucial for the electric car.
→Pro-Gov't Rallies Held in Several Iranian Cities
Caitlin Johnstone
Following Rogue journalist. Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonaut. Guerrilla poet. Utopia prepper.

→United States Budgetary Costs of the Post-9/11 Wars: $5.9 Trillion Spent and Obligated
The United States has appropriated and is obligated to spend an estimated $5.9 trillion (in current dollars) on the war on terror through Fiscal Year 2019, including direct war and war-related spending and obligations for future spending on post-9/11 war veterans
This number differs substantially from the Pentagon’s estimates of the costs of the post-9/11 wars because it includes not only war appropriations made to the Department of Defense – spending in the war zones of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in other places the government designates as sites of “overseas contingency operations,” – but also includes spending across the federal government that is a consequence of these wars. Specifically, this is war-related spending by the Department of State, past and obligated spending for war veterans’ care, interest on the debt incurred to pay for the wars, and the prevention of and response to terrorism by the Department of Homeland Security.
→Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall Street Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks, and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream Hardcover – October 15, 2019
→What James Packer has to do with the case against Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing bribery and fraud charges linked to gifts he received from Australian billionaire James Packer and Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan. The specific charges of fraud and breach of trust are dubbed Case 1000, an investigation first flagged almost two years ago and one of several covered in the indictment
→Advancing Propaganda For Evil Agendas Is The Same As Perpetrating Them Yourself
→'Even though the yellow vests protests have failed to fulfill their demands after weeks of demonstrations in France, perhaps one of the most democratic countries, but it should be noted that there is no strong incompatible third force seeking profit. In fact, France is moving in the liberal-capitalism mainstream, and neither the other capitalist countries nor the mainstream media like to tarnish the image of this ruling system.'
French corporations such as the construction company Bolloré, the oil giant Total and the telecoms group Orange maintain a massive presence in the ex-colonies.
Why are ex-colonies in Africa so important to France?
France is facing a second and final round in its presidential election. The winner has the daunting task of reviewing policy on Africa as the former colonies still play a significant role in French national life.
France's presidential candidates are all too well aware of the importance that their country attaches to Africa and the former colonies. In the middle of a domestic election campaign, Marine le Pen visited the West African state of Chad and Emmanuel Macron went to Algeria.
Views on the whys and wherefores of France's Africa policy differ hugely. Incumbent French President Francois Hollande maintains that France does not intervene in Africa to pursue its own interests, nor does it seek to change the rules of African politics or bring about regime change.
"France supports Africa because we believe it has great potential," Hollande said.
France's presence in Africa is focused largely on its former colonies. During a painful process of decolonization in the 1960s and 1970s, "La Grande Nation" never lost sight of its own interests. Use of the French language in the former French territories remains obligatory. There are still two currency unions in existence - the West African CFA franc and the Central African CFA franc - to which a total of 15 African states belong. Currency reserves are held in France's central bank. It is open to dispute whether the CFA offers greater advantages to France or the African states,

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