I'm co-chairing the trainee-only portion of the Inhibition in the CNS conference this July in the Swiss Alps. If you study GABA in any way, come join us! Apply at https://www.grc.org/inhibition-in-the-cns-grs-conference/2023/ by April 9th to be considered for a talk. #conference
Do you know someone who would be a great speaker for this conference? Pass this along to them, or nominate them at https://forms.gle/xvN2p5JmfFhXnnmQ9 and we'll reach out to them
. We've contacted 160 labs so far to get a broad range of backgrounds!
We (Lauren T. Hewitt and Emily A. Aery Jones) are soliciting nominations for speakers for the Inhibition in the CNS Gordon Research Seminar, scheduled for July 2023. We are making a program that maximizes diversity along several axes. Please help us find a wide range of potential speakers that we can reach out to!